Another Day, Another Racist Radio DJ

April 28, 2005


Caller: You just said it all, the last couple of … callers, I guess they don't know that they live in America and we're being overrun. I had just moved out of Edison because of what has happened in the past 10 years… Orientals are all along, the whole complete route 27. And Indians have taken over Edison in north and all over.

Carton: Damn Orientals and Indians .

Caller: I..i moved out..36 years I've lived in Edison

Carton: And what was the biggest problem you had with the Orientals and the Indians?

Caller: I can't handle them! There's no American people anymore.

Carton: Eh..

Caller: There shoving us the hell out!

Carton: It's like you're a foreigner in your own country isn't it?


Melissa Hung

Founding Editor

Melissa Hung is the founding editor of Hyphen. She was the editor in chief for the magazine's first five years and went on to serve in many other leadership roles on the staff and board for more than a decade. She is a writer and freelance journalist. Her essays and reported stories have appeared in NPR, Vogue, Pacific Standard, Longreads, and Catapult, among others. She grew up in Texas, the eldest child of immigrants. Find her on Twitter and Instagram.



walid lasos
Actually, T. Edison was one hardcore racist. Hated Jews, Blacks and the poor and he also spent many years trying to genetically prove inferior anyone who wasn't a rich white dude.
Bottom line is this: Racism will exist as long as different races are living amongst each other.Obviously noone willgo back to "where they came from",as the whites always say;as if they were the first ones here. but....since the U.S constitution,and other laws were written by the white men,that's probably why they believe they are the true Americans,and the rightful owner of this country while everyone else are just low-life parasites who are threatening the well being of the so-called pure,perfect race,with no flaws whatsoever that they feel they have the power to put any other race down.So I say to non-whites:Their comments are only as powerful as you accept them to be.Whites are racists;it's in their blood.Don't focus on their feelings and expressions;they are nobody especial that we have to care what THEY think.So let them have their title as "true Americans".Let them think that they are the supreme race.It's that you show you are bothered by it that gives them more fuel -just ignore them.
When you think of Ameerican History, What where the biggest events? When you look at American pop culture who do you always see? Have Asian been in America long enough to write an American chapter?
This is how i see it:Whites believe they deserve 100% credit for everything GOOD in this country,while the BAD things are caused by the non-whites.They say all these negative things about Blacks,Mexican,Asians,and Others without thinking what contributions they have made in making this country great.Asians have been in America long enough to write an american chapter but the whites have always tried to censor them and others who try..
There your answer. Asians need to start their American history and stop supporting his story. Exposure is the key to being noticed in this country and asians are invisible compared to most Monorities. Why is that?
as the Roman Empire will the whites!!!In due time,the whites will be no more.Since white woman are dating more blacks and hispanics,what will happen to the white race eventually????
ooops,I forgot to identify myself...-just another asian fella
The latest development in the NJ 101.5 FM campaign is that Applebee's has withrawn its sponsorship of the Carton & Rossi show. That brings to four the number of sponsors that have pulled their ads. (The other three are Hyundai Motor America, Cingular Wireless & Bank of America.)This is worth applauding, but don't let up the pressure. There are many more advertisers that need to be persuaded. So keep writing the sponsors. It works!You'll find a list of these companies, plus the names and addresses of their CEOs/owners at:
Well the caller was pretty racist too. America is known to be a free country for everyone and then when you come here you're very disapointed, because of people like that.
maybe the residents of Edison should send Xeroxes of their UNITED STATES OF AMERICA passports, complete with their names in a big box so that the DJs can then count the number of Americans that will vote in Edison, NJ. Might I suggest that a copy of the letter be written in Italian in the event that Mr. Rossi's great aunt or other relative wants to read it to him as she might have in the 'old country'. Call in and burn their butts.
would it be wrong to just wait for him outside the radio station to kick his cowardly ass?
Here's a copy of the letter I sent off to the station manager:Eric Johnson:Does Craig Carton represent your point of view? Givenwhat he spewed out about the upcoming New Jerseymayoral election on your radio station, I wonder:don't they offer education in Edison? What anirresponsible dimwit!Carton claims he's defending Americans. What the helldoes he think Jun Choi is? Does he think Americans areonly white? How old is this guy anyway? He can't be120! Wasn't he ever told that people from everywherein the world have been coming to America and becomingAmerican citizens since the turn of the LAST CENTURY?Why didn't Carton simply say he was defending stupidwhite dimwits? He just comes off stupid by saying he'sdefending Americans and then disses Choi, who ISAMERICAN!His remark about putting Chinese in their own casinosis hilarious. If he coralled all minorities to our ownquarters (does segregation ring a bell here?), he andhis contingent of dimwits would the the ones coralledbefore long. Somebody inform him of how many people ofcolor there are in the world. By the way, we ain'tgoing nowhere, get used to it. In fact, the Chineseand other Asians are responsible for real estate goingup after we move in, not down.By the way, isn't Edison named after Thomas A. Edison,inventor of the incandescent lightbulb? It's too badone didn't go on over Carton's head. Please take himoff the air and have a little pride in what your citystands for.Karen HuieBtw, if anyone else would like to express their viewson this, I'm sure this program manager or any otherinterested parties would love to hear from you. Guesswe're put into the position of being culturalambassadors again! The astounding transcript follows:> >
Those guys were to lazy to graduate high school so that's why their brains cannot function like the rest of US. By the way, to all you garbages out there, I cannot stand to see why so many of you WHITE cloroxed folks are coming over to East Asia? Now, what's happening here?
I live in New Jersey and have actually heard these idiots on the radio. I have also seen how they've responded to criticism. They've done nothing.Since sending them e-mails has failed to achieve anything, I suggest we hit them where it hurts: their advertisers. If enough people contact their advertisers and complain about Carton and Rossi's racist remarks, this will create pressure to get them off the air, and show other broadcasters that they won't get away with making racist slurs.The following is a list of some of their biggest sponsors:Bank of America,Verizon Wireless,Applebee's,Asbury Park Press,Boar's Head Ham,Centex Homes,The Cancer Centers (Atlantic Health Systems).I'm sure these companies will respond if enough people complain. They certainly don't want to be known as sponsoring racist programming. I'm going to write letters to all these companies. Please do the same.
Don't you people get it? One of the reasons this country is as great as it is, is that we have the right to say whatever we want. If you don't like what the Jersey Guys are saying... TURN OFF THE DAMN RADIO OR CHANGE THE STATION!!!! What you're neglecting to mention about these horrible "racist" DJs is that they were largely responsible for Jun Choi getting elected as mayor of Edison (a fact that he has admitted). Some racists...
Here is a letter I've written to the CEO & President of Bank of America, Kenneth D. Lewis. You'll also find it on my blog: Your sponsoring of racially intolerant radio programming on New Jersey 101.5 FM (Carton & Rossi, “the Jersey guys”)Dear Mr. Lewis:I was recently shocked to learn that Bank of America sponsors radio programming that is racially intolerant. On April 25, “shock jocks” Craig Carton and Ray Rossi of New Jersey 101.5 FM ridiculed Asian-Americans on the air and called them “damn Orientals.” Bank of America ads are aired during the Carton & Rossi show and I am wondering why you financially support such programming. Asian-Americans are, after all, an increasingly important market segment for you, and your business is growing in Asia.Mr. Lewis, on the Bank of America Web site you are quoted as saying you are in business “to help make communities stronger.” You also say you reach “for higher standards in everything we do.” Do these standards include the type of radio programming you support? For Carton & Rossi’s show on 101.5 FM does not make our community stronger. Their comments are intolerant and divisive.Please stop funding the Carton & Rossi show. New Jersey doesn’t need such offensive radio broadcasts. Just like Bank of America, we want to make this community a better place to live, for everyone.Sincerely,Lester Gesteland
A more complete list of sponsors of NJ 101.5 FM's racist showI listened to New Jersey 101.5 FM's Carton & Rossi show again today to (a) make sure no Hyundai ads came on (I was asked to do this by Kai Yu, Director of Asian Media Watch) and (b) to see what other companies are sponsoring the show. I am happy to report that no Hyundai ads came on. There were also no ads for Cingular Wireless, a company that told Asian Media Watch and the Star-Ledger newspaper that they had ceased sponsoring the show.For those visiting this blog for the first time, let me fill you in. On April 25, the "shock jocks" mentioned above ridiculed Asians and called them "damn Orientals." (To see a transcript of their remarks, please scroll down to the first blog I posted.) I am now working in concert with Asian Media Watch to contact sponsors of this show and ask them to pull their ads. We want Carton & Rossi off the air.The following is a list of more advertisers airing commercials during their show:Sam's Club,PNC Bank,GEICO,Lowe's Home Improvement Toyota Outlet Buick, Pontiac, GMC's Route 66 AutoMall of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey Watercraft Pain Medicine Tel: 866-322-6500 Diamond Institute for Infertilityand Menopause Auto Insurance Bros. & Barnum and Bailey Waterproofing Networks City Maryland
This evening my wife was listening to the infamous Carton & Rossi showwhen she heard Jun Choi being interviewed -- the same Korean-American mayorialcandidate the shock jocks had ridiculed on April 25. She also told me thatCraig Carton made mention of his apologizing to Mr. Choi and to the Asian-American community. I just checked my e-mail, and this is what I found:********************************************************************************80-20 New Jersey Chapter, who is also a member of New Jersey Coalitionfor Asian American Civil Rights announced that 101.5FM agreed in writingto the following.o Issue an on air, formal & blanket apology by the "Jersey Guys,"o Invite Jun Choi (the KoreanAm candidate who was attacked) to be aguest by "Jersey Guys." [The acceptance by Choi is unknown.]o Cultural sensitivity training for all 101.5 FM employees,o Public access programming focused on promoting awareness of thecontributions of Asian Americans, ando Diversity committee established at 101.5 FM with communitymembers to foster cross-cultural understandingAlso their members ran e-mail campaigns targeting Comcast, Verizon andDish Network, urging them to pull ads from the station. As a result,Comcast and Verizon agreed to suspend their radio ads.We would like to thank 80-20 and everyone else who worked very hard onthis issue. As always, AMWD will follow up closely on any newdevelopment in regards to this NJ 101.5 FM campaign just like we didwith any other major campaigns.Our e-mail campaign,"Kick The Jersey Guys Off The Air!") collected the largest amount ofsignatures in the shortest amount of time, even more so than our lastmajor campaign, Hot 97. We would like to thank everyone who participatedin this campaign through AMWD and other APIA organizations as well.James FujikawaCo-Founder/Campaign Director--Asian Media Watchdog676 A Ninth AvenueNew York, NY 10036Phone: 212-560-5683Fax: 212-957-9191Visit our website at**********************************************... Asian-American organizations I've been working with seem satisfied with thisresult; and if they're satisfied, I'm satisfied. Thank you all for visiting thissite and helping with this campaign. This shows you what consumer power can do.
I have the audio of Craig Carton's on-air apology on my Web site:
oh fucking relax you toolbags. its a fucking joke, don't be so damn'd thin skined....
oh yea, xenophobia, very funny stuff.bob, i think you're the toolbag. don't be so damned toolbagish, eh?