Where To Get Published Asian American Style
Firstly, you can always submit your poetry, fiction, prose non-fic, scripts, rants, poops, brainfarts, etc. to me at Hyphen [1]. (SUBMIT to me! The joy in submission! *whip crack*!) Useful hint: get my submission guidelines first (request to claire -at- hyphenmagazine.com. Caveat: prose must be under 3000 words or else eminently serializable.
Joseph Legaspi of Asian American poetry organization Kundiman [2] announces the Vincent Chin
Memorial Chapbook Prize [3], a competition in search of the best Asian American 15-20 page poetry chapbook on any subject. Deadline: December 15 (get on it!) Caveat: you can't have published more than one book.
Of course, the perennial favorite in the Asian American lit journal league is The Asian Pacific American Journal [4] -- maybe cuz it's kinda the only game in town? (Please prove me wrong!) In the meantime, I'm not sure which info is correct, the one in the link above, or this one [5], so check 'em both out. Downside: I don't really see one.
Don't forget the kickass Asian American Writers' Workshop [6] in New York, which publishes the abovementioned Asian Pacific American Journal and whose executive director, Quang Bao, is on Hyphen's advisory board. Their current opportunity is a poetry manuscript competition [7] for published Asian American poets. Deadline: December 3 (so don't start writing that MS now.) Caveat: you have to have published a book -- no chapbooks or self-publishing, but the MS you submit must not be published. AAWW is also administering the Van Lier fellowship program for Asian American playwrights. The information is on the same page as the poetry manuscript competition info, just scroll down. Deadline: also Dec. 3. Caveat: you have to live in NYC and be a member of AAWW and other things. Read the guidelines carefully.
AAWW also offers the Asian American Literary Awards [8] for published work in pretty much all genres (authors can submit their own applications). The deadline for work published in 2003 is long past, but keep an eye open for the 2004 awards.
InvAsian online journal accepts submissions [9] of journalism, but also personal essays relating to Asian or Asian Pacific American issues and experiences. Caveat: they don't pay, but then, who does?
For that Desi love [10], submit your essays, poems, short stories, and reviews to the online journal desijournal.com. For those out the know, Desi = South Asian.
And never forget Kaya Press, publisher of Asian diasporic literature. When you're ready to shop that book manuscript around, submit here [11].
I've been wondering for a while if APA arts journal dis*Orient [12] accepts submissions but there's no info on the website about it so chances are, no. It also seems to be only for folks in LA. What's the troof? Please tell me. I also found an online journal called lanternonline.org, but the url isn't working tonight. Just a tech blip? You tell me.
Also, I didn't have time to check through all of the multitude of links to APA publications on AA Risings' links page [13]. If anyone has the time and wants to post further creative writing opps, please be my guest.
In fact, tell me, and everyone else, what I've missed of Asian American print and online publishing opps. And keep those pens aworkin'!