Outfit Check
Todd Inoue - December 23, 2004
Shoes: Green Adidas Spezials. Bought from Adidas outlet in Tahoe.
Pants: Levi’s 505 jeans. Bought at Costco. Super faded with scraggly bottoms.
Shirt: Scratchy grey thermal. Target!
T-Shirt: “Jamaica” black and grey ringer T. Another Target special ($9!)
Outerwear: Kappa jacket. Christmas present from 1999.
Outerwear: Grey “Metro MiniCooper” hoodie. Gotten this afternoon in lieu of a Christmas bonus.
Hair Product: Tea Tree hair glue.
OK, now you’re thinking, what about underwear? I could put something false and bougie like Costco Kirkland but it’s really Palermo Cotton Mesh Bikini Brief (Italian cut).
Skid mark. Hey, I was in a hurry!