Racist Radio DJs (Redux)
You've probably heard of it by now, but if not, the latest in racist "shock" radio [1] news is the universally offensive "Tsunami Song" [2] which was airing on NYC's Hot 97 for the past few weeks. Check out some of the lyrics:
"You could hear the screaming chinks and no one was safe from the wave
There were Africans drowning, little Chinamen swept away
You could hear god laughing, 'swim you bitches swim'
So now you're screwed, it's the Tsunami
You better run or kiss your ass away, go find your mommy
I just saw her float by, a tree went through her head
and now the children will be sold to child slavery..."
Listen to the song [3], which pretty much speaks for itself. Or listen to the clip of the Hot 97 morning show [4] in which Asian American co-host Miss Info is slammed for voicing her objection to the song.
Hot 97 has since issued a lame apology [5], but you can also sign an online petition [6] or contact any one of the station's sponsors [7].