60,000 Chopsticks
Two interesting stories in the SF Chronicle today.
First, Bench, a Philippines-based clothing store, is following Jollibee's lead and opened a store (complete with Filipino mannequins) in Daly City. [1] They'll probably do brisk business.
In the Datebook section is a story about artist Donna Keiko Ozawa who has made a sculpture out of 60,000 pairs of chopsticks [2] to call attention to how wasteful we are with the disposable utentsils. (She collected them over a month at several Japantown restuarants.) I couldn't agree more. I've always felt bad about using them and try to take them with me when I leave (but often, I forget, just as I often forget to take the doggie bag.) Recently, someone gave me a plastic set in a cute little carrying case, so I try to carry those with me everywhere.
OK, back to my lazy Saturday afternoon. You know it's a lazy day when I'm just getting around to the paper at 4 pm.