APAture Runway II Features Fresh Local Talent
Apologies for the late notice, but if you're wondering what to do with yourself the evening of Thursday, August 7th, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m., go to APAture Runway II [1]!
APAture Runway II is Kearny Street Workshop's second annual fashion show of emerging Asian Pacific American designers. New collections from designers like Isabelle Le, Lucio Montana, Yola Ng, Feral Childe and other local fresh talent will be showcased, followed by a live auction hosted by Joshua Lim.
Jewelry provided by Khazana Gifts.
All proceeds will help fund Kearny Street Workshop's 10th annual APAture festival. Tickets are $10 at the door or in advance at www.kearnystreet.org [2].
Asian Art Museum MATCHA ticket holders receive a 50% discount at the door.
For more information contact Lucy Lin at //www.kearnystreet.org/programs/ksw-next/apature2008/www.amymho [at] gmail.com"> [3]kalyanilin [at] gmail.com (.)