John Cho, Star Trek Movie Lift Off on Friday
Both articles are featured on our homepage. I know I'm looking forward to seeing Cho take over the role of Sulu (originally played by George Takei) and how J.J. Abrams reboots [1] the Star Trek [2] franchise.
In the Hyphen interview, Cho talks about filling Takei's shoes and his experience playing Harold in the Harold and Kumar [3] movies.
Star Trek is the cover story for the latest Entertainment Weekly [4], and apparently one of Sulu's biggest scenes in the movie involves a sword fight. "That's all we know from the TV series -- he fences [5]," Cho says in his only quote of the article.
In Hyphen's Spaces Issue, we examined race (including the original Sulu's fencing scene) and Star Trek in my story [6]. While Star Trek's casts have been diverse by Hollywood standards, the portrayals of people of color on the shows and movies have been stereotypical in many respects.
If all goes as planned, I'm going to an advance screening of Star Trek on Wednesday. I'll post afterward and let you know if Abrams pulls it off.