'White on Rice' and 'Children of Invention' Joint Theatrical Release
This is a bit early, but if you've been waiting to see Asian American festival favorites White on Rice and/or Children of Invention on the big screen this spring, you're in luck. Both films are available on DVD, but getting these films into a theater proper makes more of a statement in terms of recognizing new Asian American cinema within the industry and allowing moviegoers to it.
The films will be part of a double bill, debuting at the BIG Cinemas Manhattan in New York City on March 12, 2010 as part of a partnership between Variance Films and Big Cinemas [1] .
Children of Invention will also simultaneously run at the Brattle Theater [2] in Boston and at the Downtown Independent [3] in Los Angeles.
Learn more about the films here:
www.childrenofinvention.com [4]
www.whiteonricethemovie.com [5]