The Hyphenite's Social Calendar: Slut For Art, Cherry Blossom Fest
Thursday April 7th -- San Francisco
A Sensory Feast: Local Flavors
Are you what you eat? The nine artists of A Sensory Feast: Local Flavors ask you to take a closer look – or even a whiff – at the meaning of food. An inseparable part of Asian cultures, food marks migrations and milestones; it can provoke our deepest memories. Through taste, smell, touch, sound, and sight, this show investigates how food can shape our perceptions of the cultures and identities they can represent. Featuring Jean Chen, Brandom Bigelow, Sita Kuratomi Bhaumik, Yosh Han, Amy M. Ho, Hiroko Kikuchi, and Jeremy Liu of the National Bitter Melon Council, Imin Yeh, and Jennifer Yin. Presented by Kearny Street Workshop [1]. More info here [1].
Opening Reception
6 to 8 pm
18 Reasons
593 Guerrero St, San Francisco
Thursday April 7th -- NYC
Still Present Pasts: Korean Americans and the "Forgotten War"
Legacy Flags by Injoo Whang, Ji-Young Yoo, and Soyoung Park. 2005.
A multi-media exhibit that combines installation and performance art, documentary film, archival photographs, and oral histories to explore memories and legacies of the Korean War. Embodying life stories of ordinary Korean Americans who survived the war, the exhibit is a public space of remembering that breaks the silence and features artists Sukjong Hong, Deann Borshay Liem, Yul-san Liem, Yong Soon Min, Injoo Whang, and Ji-Young Yoo. Exhibition runs April 7th through May 13, 2011.
Opening reception and Gallery Talk
6 to 8 pm
A/P/A Institute at NYU
41-51 E 11th St, 7th floor, New York
RSVP here [2]
"Anna May Wong: In Her Own Words" Film Screening
The Museum of Chinese in America [3] (MoCA) presents a special screening of this documentary on the first Chinese American movie star, narrated in Anna May Wong's own words. Followed by a Q & A with filmmaker Yunah Hong and Professor Anne Cheng. More info here [4].
6:30 pm
Museum of Chinese in America
215 Centre St, New York
RSVP to education(at)mocanyc(dot)org.
Friday April 8th -- NYC
SlutForArt/Ambiguous Ambassador: A Dance-Theater Work
photo by David King
Join this screening of the video of the New York Dance and Performance (BESSIE) award-winning visual dance-theater solo performance by Muna Tseng, on the life and work of Tseng Kwong Chi (1950-1990). A New York-basedphotographer, performance artist, and downtown personality in the '80s, Tseng traveled the globe creating photographic art serials. Q & A including collaborators Muna Tseng (choreograher/dancer) and Ping Chong (director) to follow.
6 to 8 pm
Bronx Museum of the Arts
1040 Grand Concourse
Luis H. Francia's The Beauty of Ghosts
In this 20th Anniversary reading, the Asian American Writers' Workshop [5] (AAWW) honors Luis H. Francia -- poet, journalist, and professor. Francia will read selections from his works, including his recently published chapbook The Beauty of Ghosts, alongside writer friends Linda Faigo Hall, Nita Noveno, Susan Sorino, and R.A. Villanueva.
7 pm
110-112 W 27th St, 6th floor, New York
$5 suggested donation
Friday April 8th and Saturday April 9th -- Phildelphia
Dakshina/Daniel Phoenix Singh Dance Company [6]
A dance performance of two cultural worlds of movement – the signature choreographic styles of modern dance icon Anna Sokolow, and the classical Indian dance form of Bharata Natyam -- championed by renowned dancer-choreographer Daniel Singh. With guest artists Pallabi Chakravorty and the Courtyard Dancers.
8 pm
Painted Bride Art Center
230 Vine St, Philadelphia
$25; tickets here [7]
Saturday April 9th -- NYC
9066 / 9/11: Japanese American and Muslim & Arab American Day of Remembrance
This special coalition and solidarity-building event commemorates Executive Order 9066 and the aftermath of September 11th targeting Arab and Muslim Americans. Across the country, communities are using the Day of Remembrance as a vehicle to shed light on the shared experience of wartime racism and hysteria.
1 to 4 pm
Japanese American United Church
255 7th Ave, New York
Saturday April 9th & Sunday April 10th + Sat April 16th & Sunday April 17th -- San Francisco
Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival
The Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival is celebrating its 44th year, with food booths, cultural performances, martial arts, live bands and the annual Queen Program and Grand Parade. The Festival is the second largest outside of Washington DC to celebrate the blooming of cherry blossoms, and held at one of the three remaining Japantowns in the US. More info here [8].
Japantown at Post & Buchanan Sts, San Francisco
Saturday April 9th to Sunday May 8th -- Brooklyn
Within You Without You Exhibit
This group exhibition of New York-based Asian American artists features a site-specific installation and drawings by Haeri Yoo, paintings by Jana Benitez and Zhang Yu, an oil painting by Taku Saito, and video by Cao Yi. Each of the works in Within You Without You is a self-portrait that investigates the essential connection between self and society. More info here [9].
Opening Reception
3 to 6 pm
NARS Gallery
88 35th St, 3rd floor, Brooklyn
Tuesday April 12th -- NYC
Defiant Gardens: Radical Horticulture in the Era a Japanese American Internment
A "defiant garden" is a garden grown in extreme social and political conditions: soldiers holed up in Western Front trenches during WWI, Jewish civilians in Nazi-controlled Poland, and Japanese American internees during WWII. In the face of imminent annihilation, these garderners resisted spritual death by creating pockets of horticultural resistance. Kenneth Helphand, who coined the term, will showing images from and discussig his research of gardening and war-culture history. Moderated by Sukhdev Sandhu.
6 to 8 pm
A/P/A Institute
41-51 E 11th St, 7th floor, New York
FREE RSVP here [2].
Face of the Future Playwriting Competition
East West Players [10], the nation’s premier Asian American theatre organization, is pleased to announce "Face of the Future", a playwriting competition with cash prizes awarded to the top three plays, including $5,000 for the first place winner, $2,500 for second place, and $1,000 for third place. All winners will be considered for workshop and/or production at East West Players. This year, the focus is on the exploration of the reality of multicultural America from an Asian American perspective. Previous EWP writing competition judges have included Henry Chan, Julia Cho, Philip Kan Gotanda, Amy Hill, David Henry Hwang, Judith Nihei, Gary Shimokawa, Alice Tuan, and Wakako Yamauchi. More info and entry form here [11]. Submissions accepted beginning May 2 through August 31, 2011.