Hyphen College Tour: Stanford, Are You Ready for Us?
Image thanks to TheDawgDude.com [1]
Brace yourselves -- Hyphen is on its way to a college campus near you!
Irreverent in style and voice (as you already know), Hyphen has partnered up with I.W. Group and McDonald’s in an effort to inform and empower campuses with its unique perspective on Asian American arts, culture and politics. With style, of course.
Kicking off its nationwide tour of over seven campuses in the next couple of months, Hyphen will be holding a workshop at its San Francisco headquarters this Saturday, March 19, as part of Stanford’s 2011 Alternative Spring Break. Hosted by our associate publisher, Irene Kao, and finance operations manager, Chris Jocson, the students will learn the ins and outs of an independent media outlet, how we create our content, and the challenges that we run into when we're serving such a diverse and vibrant community.
Jealous much? It'll be like MTV's The Real World, but even better.
We'll also be visiting the University of Maryland, Williams College, and University of Florida in April. More details to come on those.
Now the important part: A contest!
This is specifically for the Stanford students that we'll be seeing this Saturday -- tell us what makes you Hyphen, aside from the fact that you're being groomed in one of the pioneer regions of Asian American activism.
Let us know by submitting a comment. The best response will win a $50 McDonald's Arch Card and a fancy sweatshirt. If your response is not picked, don't fret. We'll have little giveaways waiting for you when we see you.
Poems, pictures, and any other creative responses are also welcome.
We can't wait to see you!
If you are interested in learning more about the Hyphen College Tour and bringing Hyphen to your campus, please contact our speaking engagement coordinator, Bena Li, at bena.li[at]hyphenmagazine[dot]com.