William Hung
www.williamhung.net [1]
Bobblehead dolls, ringtones, Ask Jeeves and Cingular commercials, iTunes exclusives—let's see Bo Bice hold William Hung's jock. Not even close. William Hung is banging long past his allotted 15 minutes. Can you believe the American Idol reject is on his third record? Yes, Miracle: Happy Summer From William Hung is more of Ill Will's FOB-ish brogue laming down American favorites like “Tie a Yellow Ribbon” (The troops are coming home? He's omniscient!), “I Love L.A.” (L.A. = lapdog Asians) and “Take Me Out to the Ballgame.” But don't dump on William; he takes two of the most odorous pop singers—Richard Marx and Billy Ray Cyrus—and shits out “Right Here Waiting” and “Achy Breaky Heart.” What a move. Now if Will takes on the America Idol collected songbook, I'd elevate his cornball schtick to surreal performance art.