APA Zinestresses Rock My World

October 9, 2007

I walked away with sketchbooks, comics, beautiful tiny art books and magnets. I just wanted to call attention to some of the artists I encountered there.

Esy Casey
This woman was AMAZING. She was selling all kinds of tiny, little books that I fell in absolute love with. Especially one called “Lost: Blue Parakeet” and another one in a matchbox called “Live Asian Girls.”

Here's an example of her illustration:


Mari Nomi
I was the very first person to purchase Kiss and Tell, Mari Nomi’s latest comic, which is now in the prized position of first-string bathroom reading. (I hope that’s not insulting because I dig it.) Her style reminds me of Marjane Satrapi, but in Northern California instead of Iran/France.


Check these ladies out!
