Blog Archive: April 2011

Blog Archive: April 2011

Hyphen College Tour: Fourth Stop, University of Florida

Gators here we come!
I'm blogging for our associate publisher, Irene Kao, as she's flying halfway across our nation as we speak. Tonight she'll be making anappearance at the University of Florida to talk about her experience and lessons learned in the ethnic media business. I hear that there are gators roaming around campus looking for students to eat, so I warned Irene of this. But, I am sure she'll be just fine. 
The event will take place tonight at 8 pm in CSE A 101. Doors open at 7:30 pm, and free refreshments will be served! That's what I like to hear. The event is hosted by the Asian American Student Union. RSVP here. Go prepared with questions, as Irene would appreciate a good grilling!
Just in case you're not caught up, Hyphen has partnered up with I.W. Group and McDonald’s in an effort to inform and empower campuses with its unique perspective on Asian American arts, culture and politics. With style, of course. 
Now the important part: A contest!
This is specifically for the UF students Irene will be mingling with: Tell us what makes you Hyphen.
Let us know by submitting a comment. The best response will win a $50 McDonald's Arch Card and a fancy sweatshirt. If your response is not picked, don't fret. We'll have little giveaways for you too. All these goodies, plus free Hyphen issues, will be mailed out to you guys once Irene leaves. 
Poems, pictures, and any other creative responses are also welcome.
If you're interested in learning more about the Hyphen College Tour and bringing Hyphen to your campus, please contact our speaking engagement coordinator, Bena Li, at[at]hyphenmagazine[dot]com.Gators here we comGators here we come!

Tonight, associate publisher Irene Kao will be making an appearance at the University of Florida to talk about her experience and lessons learned in the ethnic media business.

Progress and Regress: A DREAMer Victory in Maryland While Utah and Georgia Copy SB 1070

Governor Martin O’ Malley of Maryland is set to sign a new law which recognizes undocumented students as state residents and qualifies them for in-state tuition rates at public universities, dropping an undocumented student’s tuition from the out-of-state rate of $24,831 to $8,416.

Birthright Tourism: Babies Heat Up Immigration Debate

From “anchor babies” to “tourism babies,” the wee ones just can’t seem to catch a break.

In the last year, the news media has been peppered with stories about illegal immigrants sneaking across our borders to have children and then staying in the country to raise them as US citizens. Cue the arguments about anchor babies not paying taxes, depleting US resources, making a mockery of the Constitution, et cetera.