Arjun Pandava is an Indian American living in the San Francisco Bay Area. He works as a control systems engineer, and maintains the blogs Kurukshetra and Jnana Yuddha. He is active in movements around environmental/climate justice and labor organizing.
Arjun Pandava
The Subversive Roots of Asian Scientists and Engineers
Arjun Pandava - December 7, 2016
The “model minority” myth surrounding Asian America continues to be one of the defining battlegrounds of modern ethnic politics. Asian Americans appear to be largely well-off socio-economically. We tend to work in lucrative, high-skill, high-wage professions in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math). This gives ammunition to racist arguments: if Asians can succeed socially and economically as a minority group, why can’t Blacks and Latinos? Why do the latter complain about racism, white supremacy, and oppression, and remain disproportionately poor?