Dorian Merina
Taking Charge
In the Bronx, a community program trains a new generation of Southeast Asian leaders to reconcile a traumatic past and fight for the future.
Photographer Joshua Blake
ON THE FIRST FLOOR of a Bronx, NY, apartment just north of 193rd Street and the Grand Concourse, Touch Roth sits in a folding chair and fields questions from three teenagers. She wears a vibrant purple dress and green sandals. A Singer sewing machine rests on a table behind her and rows of framed photographs - one of a young family in Cambodia seated before a thatched hut - line the wall opposite her.
Still Fighting
Filipino World War II veterans wage a decades-long battle for benefits promised to them by the US government.
AN AMERICAN FLAG and a soaring eagle stretch across the brim of Pedro Navida's black baseball cap, which he lifts above his head. On his bare forehead, framed by short-cropped hair, is a faint zigzag scar.