Grace Li

Grace Li is a graduate of Duke University, where she studied biology and creative writing, and is currently in medical school at Stanford. Her short fiction has previously been recognized by The Saturday Evening Post Great American Fiction Contest. She is represented by Hannah Fergesen at KT Literary Agency. To learn more about her work, please visit

Author Photo Credit: Danny Oh

April Fiction: How to Say Goodbye in a Language That Does Not Feel Like Home

"Another year and you will be back. It is all you can promise and it never feels like enough."

When people ask where your parents are from, you say the name of a city two hours away. It is not where they grew up but it is close enough. You land at the airport there and it has that feeling of almost-familiarity, like stepping into a dream. Somewhere, you have read that every face you see in a dream is one you have seen before. That is what arriving feels like, what it always feels like, like you ought to know where you are but you are dreaming and so you don’t. But here, now, you are not dreaming.