Sean Miura is a Los Angeles-based writer and performer. He is the producer/lead curator of Los Angeles Little Tokyo's Tuesday Night Cafe, a project of Tuesday Night Project. Sean was crowned Mr. Hyphen 2013 and currently works in many spaces as a community organizer in Little Tokyo and beyond.
Sean Miura
Knowledge, Generosity, and Yuri Kochiyama
Sean Miura - June 2, 2014
This past weekend we lost legendary organizer and activist Yuri Kochiyama. Mr. Hyphen 2013 Sean Miura reflects on her legacy.
On Chocolate Roses or Why Asian Dramas Are The Worst
Sean Miura - February 14, 2014
'So You're Doing This Hyphen Thing?'
Sean Miura - October 4, 2013
Community organizer Sean Miura lets us in on why he decided to compete, what it takes to win, and his plans for the future as 2013's Mr. Hyphen.