Steven Hahn is a writer and lawyer who lives in Mountain View, CA with his wife and son. He’s working on a collection of short stories set in Silicon Valley. You can email him at steven.s.hahn (at) gmail.com.
Steven Hahn is a writer and lawyer who lives in Mountain View, CA with his wife and son. He’s working on a collection of short stories set in Silicon Valley. You can email him at steven.s.hahn (at) gmail.com.
I was waiting to audition for the starring role of Thomas Jefferson in our high school musical when I was suddenly bum-rushed by a beautiful and pregnant black girl. Sitting recklessly close to me in the next auditorium seat over, Rochelle R. reached across my face and ran her fingers through my straight black Korean bangs. The touch of her soft hand sent an electric buzz through my 13-year-old frame just as a teacher announced, “Steven, you’re up. Please take the stage.”