Subhashini Kaligotla’s first poetry collection won the (Great) Indian Poetry Collective’s 2016 Emerging Poets Prize and is forthcoming in Fall 2017. She is an architectural historian of medieval India and lives and writes in Berlin.
Subhashini Kaligotla’s first poetry collection won the (Great) Indian Poetry Collective’s 2016 Emerging Poets Prize and is forthcoming in Fall 2017. She is an architectural historian of medieval India and lives and writes in Berlin.
This April, we present two poems from Subhashini Kaligotla's forthcoming debut collection of poetry that blur the boundary between bird and man through delightful anthropomorphisms. These poems honor the mystery of the creature, be it man or bird, by reserving judgment through a steady, journalistic tone and by inviting us to admire the “elusive” one—“a still / from a silent-era film: // hyperbole of arch / glowering / at gulls.”
—Eugenia Leigh, Poetry Editor
Bird of the Indian Subcontinent