Akito Yoshikane
The Yellow Brick Avenue
Today’s social networking phenomenon has its roots in Asian America.

Growing up in Chicago’s northern suburbs in the mid-1990s, Jillian Pobocan often felt culturally isolated as one of the few Asian Americans in her area.
But in a shift from previous generations, the emergence of the Internet allowed her to seek connections online. So when she was 17, Pobocan was one of the hundreds of thousands of Asian Americans to sign up for Asian Avenue, a race-based online community that has been credited as the second social networking website ever created, after sixdegrees.com.
Mariners Fire Don Wakamatsu; Football Rookie Ed Wang Injured
Don Wakamatsu and Ed Wang, two notable Asian Americans in the pro sports world, recently received some bad news.
Risqué Rewards
Automated Programs Fill Asian American Websites With Sex Ads

For Asian American websites that use services like Google AdSense, even the slightest mention of Asian-related content promotes links to dating websites or mail-order bride companies.