Tina Bartolome is a San Francisco native and daughter of immigrants from the Philippines and Switzerland. She writes for the page, stage and screen and her work is included in the anthology “WalangHiya: Literature Taking Risks Toward Liberatory Practice” (Carayan Press). An Omar S. Castaneda Fellow, she received her M.F.A. in Creative Writing at Indiana University and her B.A. from San Francisco State University. Her solidarity with people’s struggles for self-determination has taken her to the Philippines, Cuba and Guåhan (Guam) and she currently serves as Program Director for SOUL School of Unity and Liberation in Oakland, California. She grew up riding SF MUNI and sometimes finds it soothing to recite each bus line in numerical order. She is equal parts dialectic materialist and astrologist, wall flower and dancehall queen. Visit her blog at tinabartolome.wordpress.com.