Will that be Campbell's or Port Arthur?

December 27, 2005


Maintaining culture through language is important, but maybe a translation would be better in this case.




kinda funny, no?
reminds me of a noodle joint in sacto i ate at once, it was called 'pho-king'...and "boy was it pho-king _______(insert adj. to complete your own bad pun)!!"
When I was in China I saw some kid with basketball shorts with the ubiquitous swoop insignia and the word "MIKE" and not "NIKE" below it. Cool ass picture of the Kinda Ramen. How were the noodles?
I didn't get a chance to try the noodles since the shop was closed (any readers in Vancouver, BC, please report). I did eat at the Chinese noodle shop across the street which was, y'know, ho sick.