Stuff White People Like

March 1, 2008


(By spare time I mean when Baby T is napping).

One of the blogs I've recently come across is Stuff White People Like.

Like the tagline, it is basically about what stuff white people like, according to the author(s).

Some of my favorites are "Threatening to Move to Canada" (#75), "Expensive Sandwiches" (#63),, and "Coffee" (#1) (I appreciate the fact that they know Asian people like iced coffee).

More interesting than the subject lines is the writing. See excerpt from "Threatening to Move to Canada:

"For example, if you are watching TV with white people and there is a piece on the news about that they do not agree with, they are likely to declare “ok, that’s it, I’m moving to Canada.”

Though they will never actually move to Canada, the act of declaring that they are willing to undertake the journey is very symbolic in white culture. It shows that their dedication to their lifestyle and beliefs are so strong, that they would consider packing up their entire lives and moving to a country that is only slightly similar to the one they live in now."

The blog has gotten almost 5.5 million hits, and it looks like it's only been up and running for two months.

Interestingly, there are several references to Asians. At least one commenter has accused the writer of being an "Angry Asian Male." But it seems the writer (or writers) are white Canadian transplants to L.A.

Also, I noticed, according to the site's tracker, that the most popular post is #11, "Asian Girls". Now, is that is because people really like that post the most, or because people were looking for "Asian Girls" on Google and came across their site? I almost don't wanna know.

Either way, the writing is fun, tongue-in-cheeky and slightly self-deprecating. You will probably come up with your own list (mine were: adoption, Uhuru, Bob Marley, PeaceCorps, mommy groups).

This blog has been blogged and written about a lot. I guess other people spend a lotta their spare time online, too.


Momo Chang

Senior Contributing Editor

Momo Chang is the Content Manager at the Center for Asian American Media, and freelances for magazines, online publications, and weeklies. Her writings focus on Asian American communities, communities of color, and youth culture. She is a former staff writer at the Oakland Tribune. Her stories range from uncovering working conditions in nail salons, to stories about “invisible minorities” like Tongan youth and Iu Mien farmers. She has freelances The New York Times, WIRED, and East Bay Express, among other publications.



i LOVE this blog. i'd probably add candles. animal prints (leopard especially, anything african). trucks& suvs, if it's not on there already.
"Also, I noticed, according to the site's tracker, that the most popular post is #11, "Asian Girls". Now, is that is because people really like that post the most, or because people were looking for "Asian Girls" on Google and came across their site? I almost don't wanna know."More likely stuff that white boys like. I dont think white girls like Asian girls..for "stealing" white boys away from them. Of course "white girls" can go after "Asian boys" but they are too racist to do so and perhaps want pure white babies.
I think the site is funny, but any talk of race (plus the anonymity of the internet) brings all the nutjobs out. Has anyone scrolled through the comments on the "Asian Girls" post? It's like a racism swap meet, and no one comes out unscathed. Sad.
gc, on that post the blogger did write that it applied to white guys only and that white girls were exempt from it. or something like that. so yeah the blogger did take that into consideration. HOWEVER, what about gwen and her entourage? maybe white girls do love asian girls too ha. and yeah, i can't keep up with the comments. they are disturbing and quite crazy indeed.
Now, let me ask you why that particular blog post is not racist? What the heck is up with fetishizing Asian girls?Or am I just missing the sarcasm.
have you checked out Stuff Asian People Like? My friend sent me a link to it the other and it's pretty good!