Great Reviews for "Kung Fu Panda"

June 2, 2008

I remember when I first saw the poster, or rather, the 3D panda from "Kung Fu Panda," I whisked around to my friends and said, "what the heck is this?!" And of course, being obnoxious, I continued to do this every time I saw the standing cardboard on various occasions. Please: a panda that does kung fu, played by Jack Black?

However, I was pretty surprised to see that it had received a 92% on Rotten Tomatoes and that the Coalition of Asian Pacifics in Entertainment (CAPE) is doing a private screening for its members on June 4th.
This made me doubt my initial gut feelings.
Has anyone seen this film yet? Was I just being obnoxious because I am a hater at heart? Someone tell me otherwise.


Lisa Lee


Lisa Lee works in User Operations at Facebook, and has more than five years of nonprofit experience in marketing and communications for multicultural arts and cultural organizations.



My little cousins said it's really good! so I'm assuming that it's really good!
Kung Fu Panda is quite brilliant. You might even want to see it twice.