Holiday Gift Guide: Give Your Wallet a Rest

December 10, 2008

This website wonderland is an experiment in the joy of giving. According to the Wall Street Journal, when founder Nipun Mehta was growing up, he wanted to be a tennis pro or Himalayan Yogi. Instead, he became an engineer. Eventually he left his lucrative paycheck for something better: to create

His experiment in new ways of giving now offers you a myriad of amazing offerings to gift your friends with this holiday: from Daily Good (an inspirational daily email offering insight and soul-healing for the Fox news weary soul) to Help Others and Smile Cards (a new game of tag where playing nice actually means you win) to my personal favorite, KarmaTube (another inspirational daily email focusing on amazing videos from around the world that is better than Sundance).

So, give your wallet a break. Sign your friends up for a lightning bolt of good news and stories to make them smile.

* Photo courtesy of Isado
