Jennifer J. Chow writes Asian-American fiction with a geriatric twist. Her Taiwanese-American debut novel, The 228 Legacy, won Honorable Mention in the 2015 San Francisco Book Festival and was a Finalist for the 2013 IndieFab/Foreword Reviews’ Book of the Year Award. She also writes the Winston Wong mysteries. The first in the series, Seniors Sleuth, won Runner-Up in the 2015 Beach Book Festival. On her website,, she blogs about fortune cookie sayings and cultural food.
Jennifer J. Chow
July Lit: Two Shorts by Jennifer J. Chow
Jennifer J. Chow - July 9, 2015
We bring you two pieces of flash fiction by Jennifer J. Chow for July lit. The pieces, which examine immigrant and family life, are short but quietly affecting.
-- Karissa Chen, Fiction & Poetry Editor
I entered the room as it started shaking. The rollaway bed slid across the heaving floor. A naked light bulb swung on its chain in a trapeze arc.