Elaine Hsiang's first chapbook, 'one day i will be louder than all the bruises on your knees,' was released by pizza pi press in 2015. Her work has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. She is a queer immigrant, poet, and medical student in San Francisco.
Elaine Hsiang
January Poetry: Two Poems by Elaine Hsiang
Elaine Hsiang - January 16, 2018
"supper" and "in another life"
Elaine Hsiang’s prose poems, "supper" and "in another life," infuse the ordinary with magic. These vignettes, woven with color and synesthesia, make us wistful for a "life [that] smell[s] like laughter & lemon tonic," while also empowering us to believe that we, too, can transform our winters into lemon tarts and sweetness in jars.
—Eugenia Leigh, Poetry Editor