Issue 7 is Here!

September 28, 2005

  • Here's a story in the Washington Post about the nuances of language, particularly as it relates to North Korea-US relations. It's written by Tong Kim, who was the senior Korean interpreter for high-level meetings involving U.S. officials until his retirement recently.
  • You've probably already heard about this case at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor. An Asian American couple say a white man urinated on them from an apartment balcony as they walked by. They also say the man and his roommate yelled racial remarks at them. They reported it to police. The urinator (never thought I'd use that word) was arrested. The suspect denies the couple's version of events. While there are conflicting stories of what happened, what is clear is that it has galvanized people to start talking about racial hostility at UMichigan. Follow the case at a blog here.
  • The Museum of Chinese in Americas, in Chicago, is set to have a new $6.5 million home. Damn, where can we get some of that?
  • And speaking of the Body Issue, maybe we should have interviewed this hottie: Asian Media Watchdog talks to Daniel Dae Kim.
  • Contributor: 

    Melissa Hung

    Founding Editor

    Melissa Hung is the founding editor of Hyphen. She was the editor in chief for the magazine's first five years and went on to serve in many other leadership roles on the staff and board for more than a decade. She is a writer and freelance journalist. Her essays and reported stories have appeared in NPR, Vogue, Pacific Standard, Longreads, and Catapult, among others. She grew up in Texas, the eldest child of immigrants. Find her on Twitter and Instagram.



    MOCA (Museum of Chinese in the Americas) is actually in NYC. I was there this summer, interesting exhibit but small space. Glad to hear them getting bigger digs.
    Oops. You're right. It's in NY. I should pay attention to the dateline.