The Idea of Covering

January 23, 2006

Roy writes: But Yoshino argues convincingly in this book, part luminous, moving memoir, part cogent, level-headed treatise, that covering is going to become more and more a civil rights issue as the nation (and the nation's courts) struggle with an increasingly multiethnic America. There is a weariness (and a wariness) about identity politics in a country spawning new identities every day. From a legal standpoint it has meant courts are increasingly veering toward protecting only the immutable aspects of identity.

I find this idea interesting, that when one person can't fully be him or herself 100%, that this decreases the well being and rights of everyone.

Click here to see the book on Amazon.


Melissa Hung

Founding Editor

Melissa Hung is the founding editor of Hyphen. She was editor in chief for the magazine's first five years and went on to serve in many other leadership roles on the staff and board for more than a decade. A writer and freelance journalist, Melissa has written for NPR, Vogue, Pacific Standard, Longreads, and Catapult. She grew up in Texas, the eldest child of immigrants.