The reasons for this move are unclear but speculations abound about the denial being linked to her "terrorism"-supporting lyrics. The article states: "She attracted controversy with her song lyrics, particularly of "Sunshowers", because it allegedly expresses vague support for the terrorist organisation LTTE, which is banned in the USA. MTV USA refused to play the video without a disclaimer against the lyrics."
She was apparently coming to the States to work on her next album with Timbaland. Here's her reaction from her MySpace blog:
Roger roger do you here me over!!!!
the U.S immigration wont let me in!!!!!
i was mennu work with timber startin this week, but now im doin a Akon "im locked out they wont let me in" im locked out! they wont let me in! Now Im strictly making my album outside the borders!!!! so il see you all one day, for now ill keep reportin from the sidelines.
to my people who walk wiv me in the America, dont forget we got the internet! Spread the word! or come get me!!!!!! ill be in my bird flu lab in china! liming and drinkin tiger beer with my pet turtel. I love everyone for the support, now i need it more. ill stay up spread out else where.
Over the past two years, I have been interested and sometimes slightly wary of M.I.A.'s fame as related to her politics and Tamil Tiger name-dropping. But I came to the conclusion that wrapping up radical politics in baile-funk beats or spray-painting pink tanks does make a statement, it does stir things up in a way that makes sense in this day and age. I thought perhaps by doing so, and being a pretty girl, the powers that be wouldn't notice so much. I guess I was wrong.
I hope this M.I.A. ban is over-ruled soon because I am really kicking myself for missing all the shows she had in the Bay last year.