Welcome to America

August 15, 2006

What I find a more discouraging than a US Senator using xenophobia to win favor with an audience (gee, that happens to much in both the major parties that it hardly seems worth mentioning if it didn't continue to be just as wrong) is that even if he can claim ignorance on the "macaca" line and get away with a non-apology, he's still getting off unquestioned on the "Welcome to America" line.




::Sigh:: Does it ever end? I am so tired of this. I wrote this email to the Senator. I encourage you all to do the same. Here is the URL: http://allen.senate.gov/public/"Dear Senator Allen,I just read about how you insulted and dehumanized a 20-year-old Native Fairfax County Virginian of Indian descent. Your actions are a disgrace to the values of our country and the standard expected of a US Senator. I find it utterly unacceptable that someone in your position does not have insight to recognize just how demeaning the term "macaca" is. Ignorance is an excuse we respectable Americans reserve for children, not Senators.Your words are an embarrassment to yourself, your district and your state. Do not forget that you are a representative of our great nation. People look to you for guidance and leadership. And what example do you set? One, which glorifies intolerance and fear.The rhetoric of xenophobia is a century’s old scheme was has been used against American immigrants and American citizens to justify slavery, racist policies, violence and internment. Do you think that what you said and the values that you promoted are any different?The politics of hate and fear are a powerful motivating force. Do not for a second think that we are fooled. You are not the only one that has read the history books. It is disappointing to see that you have adopted such tactics in your pursuit for political support.In closing allow me leave you with this final thought. People of your character do not anger me. They do not frustrate me nor even irritate me. In the end Senator Allen, I simply pity you."
What can one expect from whites in Southern and southwest Virginia, other than wallowing in racism. The Indian community shares part of the blame. There are a significant number of Indians who support Allen, despite the fact that he is sympathetic to doing away with citizenship for non-citizen babies. I als blame the numerous Indian legal immigrants who refuse to become citizens and vote the major problem..many keep saying this is not our country..we are from India. They cause harm in two ways. By living and working in states such as Texas, Georgia and Virginia, they add to the GOP southern majority..(as all residents, not just citizens are counted for redistricting, every additional Indian non-citizen indirectly contributes to electing another southern white GOP Rep at the expense of a Northeastern Democrat). Secondly, by refusing to become citizens, they facilitate future US gloabl misadventures in South Asia.
From:http://web.morons.org/article.jsp?sectionid=1&id=7136"Macaca" is a French racial slur, derived from the word "macaque," a genus of monkeys. The word is used to refer to the dark-skinned people of North Africa. But wait, you say, Allen isn't French! Why would he know that the word he "made up" was a French slur? Besides, don't we speak English in the United States? As it turns out, Senator Allen's mother is a French national who lived in North Africa before immigrating to the US.