Asian Fetish Myth: Not Debunked

November 8, 2007

I, of course, was drawn into this Slate article on racial preference and dating by the teaser on the front page, which read: “The Myth of the Asian Fetish,” and featured an Asian woman’s face.
Yet, the corresponding article did nothing to debunk any such “myth.”

This is the most the whole article gets into the whole thing, which is based on some speed dating analysis:

We found no evidence of the stereotype of a white male preference for East Asian women. However, we also found that East Asian women did not discriminate against white men (only against black and Hispanic men). As a result, the white man-Asian woman pairing was the most common form of interracial dating—but because of the women's neutrality, not the men's pronounced preference.

I feel like the researchers or at least the writer of this article doesn’t really get the idea of an Asian fetish. I’ve never particularly thought all white men like Asian women – just that there is this certain exotification of them that has to do with hundreds of years of colonial history. (Edward Said, anyone?) The whole study seems kind of weak anyway. It would be cool if there was some kind of social test that a researcher came up with to look at the Asian fetish and how it plays out at bars. I also thought it was particularly weird, maybe even offensive, that this article seems to claim that there is no such thing as an Asian fetish, and if there was, it is really Asian women who are perpetuating it.





Plenty of racist white expat women in China and Singapore and many other places who wont date Asian men..
Sarah, in your fit of self obsession(proving me correct)you missed my point enitirely- that it seems that for a long time asian women were 'putting up with men', all the while coldly planning on when they can 'break free' from us and go on to live in their affluent, phony, female utopia. Because of course, us men are sooo unbearable( that's sarcasm, sarah)Don't try and make it sound like i was advocating crinolines and footbinding- I'M NOT! Although i do know that women should get back to some modicum of modest dress.You're response is so stupid and shows a complete lack of understanding nuance and irony which the ' ''s are supposed to indicate!but, of course, being an asian female, you'll get away with it- further proving me correct! Vindictive about being turned down, YES! what, you're expecting me not to be? and it's not one time to many- try like maybe the 100th time too many! MOTIVES! you say, my motives are LOVE, PASSION, VIRTUE, HONOUR, TRADITION, SPIRIT and RIGHTEOUSNESS!!What's wrong is WRONG!- no decent person can go on pretending otherwise. Trust me(because you will NEVER understand suffering), i only HATE so much because i L O V E so much!!!
so Raj laments that white women won't date him (i presume he has never asked black or latino women in as much as he never mentions it). is this unrequited fetishism on Raj's part? does the fact that you've been rejected in your quest make you 'better' than the asian women's seemingly fetish or quest for white man? the only difference would seem to be the capacity to act on desire - asian women can 'score' and asina men cannot. most of the posters seem to gloss over the fact that asian women were singled out as being actively discriminatory against black and latino men - even more so than white women. this should be disturbing to you all. but it seems not... maybe you think that it is ok.this topic is old and has been played on many of hyphen's blog threads with still no answer.i appreciate Claire's observation that it takes two to tango - that asian women would not be 'affected' by the presumed 'fetish' if they did not have some semblence of a 'fetish' themselves. the white boy can't 'get' her if she dosen't want to be 'got'. rarely is this aspect admitted to. i find it interesting that claire did not find the fact that asian women were prejudiced against other non-whites particularly surprising (I guess she knowa the 'minds' of many asian women). if asian women are prejudiced against non-white men, then wouldn't it be expected that they would be prejudiced against asian men? asian men are 'non-white'. wouldn't this be indicative of a psychology of 'self hate' in asian women? could this be linked to the high sucide rate amongst asian women? by the apparent ready acceptance or "lack of surprise" are you all, as a collective, saying that it is reasonable to be prejudiced against blacks and latinos? doesn't it strike you all odd that asian women are more 'racist' than even that bastion of racism - white men???have we met the enemy? is it us?
"so Raj laments that white women won't date him (i presume he has never asked black or latino women in as much as he never mentions it). is this unrequited fetishism on Raj's part?"You are jumping to conclusions too quickly young chap!! You know how old I am. Did I say anything about white women not dating me? The problem is Asian chaps think that Asian women belong to them and owe them something. Asian women dont owe you anything and neither do white women. I have to say white women are more racist than Hispanic women, but not black women or Asian men. You want to get back at white males..go find yourselves a nice Asian woman from Asia, perhaps the Philippines, and move their entire relatives to this country. Perhaps then if enough young Asians do this we can work towards making whites a minority in this country and eventually stripping them of their power. But, all Asian men do is sit and complain..perhaps they can compete with white men for some of those Filipina women to begin with? Meanwhile, white women will continue to be racist and complain and soon they will complain that they are becoming minorities in this country.
OK Raj, so maybe you are "out of the game". Lets take it to the a 'treetop' level - irrespective of who it is, there is a steady outcry about the seeming rejection of AA men by AA women and those same women pursuing (or at least condoning being pursued by) white men. There is also a concurrent wail amongst Asian men about the lack of 'access' to white women.So given that context - and it is not unusual by my observation - would it be unreasonable to suggest that those AA men that decry AA women "being snow blind" are comparably guilty of the same thing? (wanting a white mate)Is their real complaint NOT about the proclivity of AA women towards white men, but that they don't have access to do the same thing? does that make them hypocrites?The rest of my post still stands.I've seen the 'outnumber them' concept before, but I think it fails to adequately address the true nature of white hegemony in north america (hate to sound so pretentious, but couldn't think of another way to describe it). While population densities might shift some items, the control of institutions and the significant advantage that whites have had in amassing capital and resources provides an overall advantage that simple population tally shifts won't overcome.
Well, well, well..I think Asian men have several options. If they are not too prejudiced and if black women or Hispanic women would date them, they should go for them. However, in the prejudiced real world, this is not likely to happen. White women..nothing much to say..other than sound like a broken record..I have said all I have to say. There is one other option. Compete with the white men for Filipina women and of course other Asian women from Asia..either through mail order brides or going and living there. If half a million unmarried Asian American men married half a million Asiam women from Asia, it means 500,000 more non-white immigrants, and guess what, their families would least their parents. It would hasten the day when whites become a minority in this country. That is the only way we will reduce racism.
@ Well Well Well's first post:Lots of good points raised. If you go to, you'll notice that they even have articles where Asian women specifically want to date white men but then turn around and complain about "Yellow Fetish."I've always laughed at that.Personally, there is a stereotype among white women that Asian men are geeky and generally undesirable but if since I'm no interested in them, I don't care what stereotypes they harbor about me.I've always said that if Asian women didn't wish to deal with Asian fetish, don't date white men. Since you want to keep that option open, you'll have to deal with it. No one gets a free ride. I've found that the problem actually lies in the fact that Asian women want a white man except without the fetish. If they can find such a man, they'll drop everything for him.Is it fair? No but life isn't fair. The faster Asian Americans and rub two neurons together and face reality, the more progress can be made on this subject. For the time being, Asian Americans are still far too naive and socially...retarded.
Tried to post before to no avail. here it goes again!Rob, thanks for the endorsement.Raj, I've heard the 'import and overrun' theory before. Given the numbers, I dare say that it won't be achievable in any near to mid-range time frame. Plus even if whites dropped to 45%, the impacts of the history of racial privledge would not disappear. Whites would still enjoy dominance in the institutions that create and perpetuate capital, organizational and access advantage which is at the core of the societal hegemony that whites enjoy in this country. a simple shift in demographics is not enough to dismantle that.Rob, a very good point and one which I have raised in the past. It would seem that if too many white men can be accused of having 'yellow fever', then way too many AA women (by percentage) can be diagnosed with 'snow blindness'. So often when AA women begin their 'asian fetish' rant I must bite my tongue. To borrow from the Bard, "the ladies doth protest too much methinks".Now bubbling under the surface here is the seeming obsession that AA men (save for yourself Rob) have about not being able to score with white chicks. Is this just the male version of the AA female fetish but unrequited?Also, if white women find AA men 'geeky, nerds' is it also true that black and latino women share this same conclusion? Would that explain the paucity of AA men dating black and/or latino women as well? Or do AA men simply not pursue them so there is no chance to be rejected?In the background of all of this constant carping about the evils of white people is the gnawing sensation that the AA community seems to have a similar 'problem' with other non-whites. And it is not nearly 'in the background' for AA women - the article cited in this thread stated emphatically that AA women do not consider Black or latino men as legitimate mates. Is it reasonable for the AA community to expect fair and unprejudiced treatment from whites when they (not all, but too many) are unwilling to extend that egalitarian treatment to others who are equally mistreated? Is this an example of karma - what goes around comes around?Now a thing that often puzzles me and I never get an answer on is this - if AA women are being raised in such a manner that they 'have it together' so much so that they seek out white guys because {ostensibly) white guys have it more 'together' than those geeky AA men, how is it possible that these hip AA women are so different from their brothers (literally brothers, not figuratively) who are raised in those very self-same 'together-izing' households? Where was 'brother' when the 'hip and together' training was held?Lastly Rob, in what ways, specifically, do you think that the AA community is socially 'retarded' or naive?This is not (necessarily) asked to disagree or challenge, just to see where or if our thoughts are aligned.Rufus, you cited an interesting blog, but it is still just that - a blog - wherein the columns are opinions with no obligation to be 'fact checked', so alwasy be mindful...that includes here too!
I don't know any Asian women, so I don't like to make speculation about them. I have however, being a White male, encountered a number of White men who either expressed a loose fetish for Asian women, or a more long term dedicated preference for them. In both cases, I found them highly irritating. There's definitely something odd about it that differentiates their preference vs. say, a White person who prefers Hispanic women. In other words, a White male who prefer Black or Hispanic females seems to have the ability to discuss their preference only when the topic was relevant, as opposed to at any given moment on a whim. I think that when referring to an Asian fetish by a White male, one must brake things further down into a casual fetish, to someone who's part of the sub-culture of White males who would only consider an Asian woman as a mate. And more often than not it seems, they seem to abhor White women. This leads me to believe that many in this apparent sub-culture have been embittered by White females, probably during school years when dating was the most painful. So it seems that a number of White males see Asian females as a Knight-ette in shining armor for the pained White male, because of all the stereo-typed assumptions of the qualities associated with their cultural up-bringing, whether real or perceived (submissive, faithful, non-materialistic, etc.).Unfortunately, these people don't do much to help the problem with our media's and our White society's attack on the Asian male. Their dedication to "all things Asian" pretty much ends at the female. So; we have the general White male populace who will go to all media oriented extremes to ensure that Asian males are forever unpopular with White females. And in addition, we have a sub-culture of White males who would feel threatened by their chances of getting an Asian female diminish due to an uprising in popularity of Asian men. And from what I hear, some of these White men are in high positions.
"Raj, I've heard the 'import and overrun' theory before. Given the numbers, I dare say that it won't be achievable in any near to mid-range time frame. Plus even if whites dropped to 45%, the impacts of the history of racial privledge would not disappear. Whites would still enjoy dominance in the institutions that create and perpetuate capital, organizational and access advantage which is at the core of the societal hegemony that whites enjoy in this country. a simple shift in demographics is not enough to dismantle that."Have you been to Hawaii? The whites, particularly the white women behave. The power do come in numbers. However, there may be one reason why the whites behave in Hawaii. The Asians in Hawaii do not worship whites unlike Asians in Asia, including unfortunately, your every day Asian female in Singapore. There are three types of white privileges:1. Whites born with privilege, most whites in this country.2. Whites who attain privilege through work..if there is an equally qualified white and Asian, the job goes to whiteand3. Whites have privilege thrust on them, ie., white worship. You find this in Asia where Asians give privilege to whites. If in a hotel, a rich Chinese and a rich white show up, preference is given to rich whites.So Asians are partly to blame.
"So it seems that a number of White males see Asian females as a Knight-ette in shining armor for the pained White male, because of all the stereo-typed assumptions of the qualities associated with their cultural up-bringing, whether real or perceived (submissive, faithful, non-materialistic, etc.)."Seems to me that in Singapore the ones really in pain are the racist white expat females who complain about not getting good white males because the Asians seem to take them away. Of course, these racist white females will not date local males..and for the most part they dont care about the local Asian women dating white men. They go to Burma, Thailand, Vietnam or other countries in Indo-China to get themselves an Asian female and many, particularly in the Christian community marry Filipinas and do compete with white men and are successful. The big problem is Asian American males are not into Asian females from Asia unlike the Singaporean males. Perhaps if they went to these countries and get themselves a bride, they can hasten the day when this country becomes majority minority. White privilege may not be eliminated but will be reduced and there would be less racism. My two cents based on experience in New Mexico and Hawaii.
Well, I think the Asian American community is naive about this subject in two major ways.1.) They keep wondering why it's such a problem but I believe it's just a foil to keep them from admitting the truth. They know the answer; they just don't like it.2.) This issue is indeed a problem. Currently, there is a huge divide between Asian American men and women based specifically on this topic and it needs to be addressed. The ones that don't admit this is a problem is actually doing the Asian American community a disservice.A good friend of mine who's mother was a Black Panther during the civil rights era stated that the only thing whites need to do to destroy a minority community is to divide the men and women. This is exactly what's happening here in that Asian women are socially acceptable while Asian men are not.Unfortunately, all too many Asian women don't care to know as long as they're accepted. Who gives a damn about everyone else, right?I was watching the Discovery channel a few days ago and it gave me some perspective. It was a program about a pride of lions during the dry season on the Serengeti. Most of their normal pray have left the plains in search of lush greens to eat. This left the pride with very little to eat because their normal pray of zebra are gone minus a few stragglers. When they did manage to make a kill, all the strongest were able to eat while the baby cubs were pushed to the side. Eventually, all the cubs starved. Lions generally shun more difficult pray because it's more work needed. Their other option are water buffalo. Only a few of the braver and stronger lions will be able to bag a buffalo. The ones that didn't feel like attempting such a huge challenge leave the plains in search of easier pray.Now, it's weird because you can use this example to relate to Asian American men in the dating scene. Bear with me. All of the terms and examples I'm going to use are metaphorical.So many Asian women marry white men which is represented by their normal "pray" leaving the plains. Therefore, there are only a few good Asian American women left. These are usually nabbed by the best Asian men while the shy and less socially outgoing ones are pushed aside and left to "starve." Asian men generally don't wish to go after white women (buffalo) because there is just more work and challenges to overcome but many strong Asian men are able to land a relationship with one. The rest of the Asian guys leave the "plains" and go back to Asia to find a spouse who don't have a white fetish and also won't shun them because they're Asian.Yes, it's corny but it makes sense.
I wanted to point out that the article states that Asian women don't discriminate against white men while Latinas and black women do.Why is that? It can't be because they're more openminded because black/Latin men are shunned. Therefore, there must be some special emphasis placed on white men.When I took an two African American classes in college, we had to read some fictional stories by African American women. Unless the book was based specifically on interracial dating, ALL of their fantasy men were black. There is just so much love for black men coming from black women.If you read through Asian American fiction by Asian American women, you'll notice that all of them have white men as romantic interests or portray them as being superior to Asian men. I don't need to prove it, prove it to yourself.All the sisters in "China Dolls" were involved with white men, a book written by two Asian American women. Go to the website and almost all the pictures in the Sex and Health section are Asian women with white men.I have to admit that I was jealous of that feeling of being wanted, it's something that black men have taken for granted. There is so much talk about Asian women being "bored" with the usual and wanted to check out white men.Black women love their men so much that they're content with them alone. That type of love is very difficult to come by.I find that Asian women have gotten greedy and are just looking the best of both worlds. They want the love of Asian men but they also want direct their own love towards white men and want us to accept it.Give me a break.
"A good friend of mine who's mother was a Black Panther during the civil rights era stated that the only thing whites need to do to destroy a minority community is to divide the men and women. This is exactly what's happening here in that Asian women are socially acceptable while Asian men are not."The only way to return the favor is to marry abroad. Black women should marry Africans from places such as Ghana, places where there are shortages of women. If the five million unmarried black women give it a try, there is a potential 5 million more black immigrants to this country. Grnated, there are not that many Asians. However, if half a million Asian American men marry Asians abroad, that would mean additional half a million non-whites and most likely many would bring their parents with them eventually. That would hasten the day when America becomes majority non-white and GOP would be history. Raj is right, and I will go one step further. Just like Asian American women marrying white men is a problem, Asian American men and African American women not looking abroad for spouses aggravates the problem of preserving the white majority and white privilege in this country. At least the South Asians through their arranged or semi-arranged marriage address this issue, whether they actually intend to or not.
