Or rather, Chinatown's coming to Grand Theft Auto. I guess there will be a new GTA game called Chinatown Wars that will be released by Rockstar this winter for the Nintendo DS.
Okay, first of all, I have to admit that I have only played Grand Theft Auto about once in my life, so I'm probably not the best person to comment on this. I am truly out of touch with what's new these days, have never played Wii or Guitar Hero or all the popular games that cool, nerdy kids (er, adults) play these days.
But when I heard about "Chinatown Wars!!!" (thanks, Bao!), I was like, oh noooo. I wonder what this is gonna look and be like. And the plot is around some Triad beef. Fun times. So people will be able to pretend like they're some badass Triad members or cops (can you be a cop on GTA?) or whatever and beat up on people, run over elderly Asians, go to massage parlors, then beat up some more people. That's what I'm envisioning. Bad. And the title (complete with chinky font!) just sounds bad: Chinatown Wars.
I associate GTA with high school students I used to teach, because this was one of the most popular and most talked about games, like, ever, among my freshmen. In fact, I played it just to see what it was like, and was kind of sad and horrified at the same time. Not to say that I don't think students are smart enough to separate reality from a video game, but it was still sad thinking this was what they thought was fun. But then another part of me was like, "eh."
For people who play video games and Grand Theft Auto and know about this whole culture, what do you think of this next incarnation of the game? Fun times? Or bad chinky font?