Blog Archive: December 2010

Blog Archive: December 2010

Hyphen TV: Where IS that Asian Santa?

I have to make an admission right up front, you guys. There are a bunch of reality shows this season with Asian American contestants, and I don't watch them all. I know, I'm filled with shock and horror too. There's only so much time/DVR space in the week! But fear not, I'll still keep you up to speed, and I'll be adding a couple of series recordings to my already bloated record list...

Musical Compositions by Jie Ma


California-based pipa artist Jie Ma has spent the past few years creating a unique blend of music that incorporates traditional Eastern instruments with Western musical elements. Her CD is an innovative contribution to the overall body of American music. Her work is a twist on classical and new age genres, in much the same way that Shanghai Restoration Project is a combination of Eastern sounds with modern hip hop and electronica.

DREAM Act Passes in House

News coverage of the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act, which passed by a thin margin in the House and will presumably be voted on today in the Senate, focused yesterday on the kind of polemical soundbites which have come to dominate public discourse on immigration. On the one hand, conservative senators called the bill a “nightmare act” that would further chip away at ordinary Americans’ tenuous economic footholds. On the other, liberals fruitlessly prodded their opponents with the provocative human element of the bill: at its core, the DREAM Act is meant to provide a path to citizenship for the several hundred-thousand undocumented immigrants who came to the United States as children. 

Of course, no representative thoughtfully considered the voices on the other side of the aisle and changed the vote they walked in the door with -- it’s pure naivete to think that any ever do.

Resource Guide

Hello, reader. The below is a work-in-progress: starter dough and nothing like a full list. But hopefully this opening gambit will inspire those with further information to add their knowledge to the resource list here. Ideally, this guide will eventually become a nationwide compendium of local mental-health resources -- personal-shopped for second-generation Asian Americans.

The Hyphenite's Social Calendar: Tokyo Godfathers, Silver Bells

Wednesday December 8th -- NYC

At Your Service 2

Get your holiday shopping done at "At Your Service 2" -- a holiday service and not-so-silent auction to benefit the Coalition for Asian American Children and Families (CACF), the nation's only pan-Asian childrens' rights organization. Bid on amazing services such as dance lessons, home-cooked meals, fitness sessions, and more. Emcee'd by comedian and host of K-Date, Helen Hong.

6:30 to 10 pm