Kimberly Lien
Our Town
Las Vegas’ Chinatown is more than just its name.

When Vanessa Nguyen was trying to learn her mother’s recipes for her own restaurant, she discovered that “a bit of this” and “a handful of that” were her mother’s favorite units of measurement.
Sergie Aragones can finally admit to being one of the world's best foosball players.
Arrreee yoouuu reeaaddyy for some foosball?
Whoosh. Clang. Clink.
Oh, I'm sorry, you didn't know about the Snake Shot did you?
I guess you weren't ready.
Let's start from the beginning then. In the world of foosball - you know that table game where there are those guys on metal rods that you can turn, twist and pull, yeah that one - there are those who play and there are those who compete. Sergie Aragon's competes.