Dharushana Muthulingam is Hyphen's health editor and a resident physician at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland.
Dharushana Muthulingam is Hyphen's health editor and a resident physician at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland.
How genetic data shapes science and medicine and what is being done to change it.
With direct-to-consumer genetic testing, much is promised about your future bodily doings and destiny, from cancer treatment to the composition of your soul. But is the promise really for you? I mean you, specifically?
Letters to a young activist.
Writer Dharushana Muthulingam
The sometimes quiet revolution of the community health center.
Introducing Hyphen's New Health Section
A portrait of the idealist as a young doctor.
One med student comes to grips with being a dutiful South Asian American daughter, accepting her love of science, and surrounding herself with body fluids.