Things 2 B Thankful 4

November 27, 2008

  • Bush leaves the decision to Obama on whether or not to open a diplomatic station issuing visas to the US in Tehran. i.e. he's leaving the vital decision about RISKING LETTING TERRORERRORISTS INTO THE COUNTRY creating new Iranian Americans to that mutt one! This could be a holiday miracle ... or it could be the W. admin wimping out on a no-win decision. Let's give him the benefit of the holiday doubt! Good for you, George! Thanks!
  • creates the AsianGeek gaming blog. The layout is designed to appeal to blind, elderly, Republican jazz fans, but I'm glad AW is giving us the chance to be USELESS SLACKER geeks, rather than always being the useful, head-in-the-toilet kind. Thanks, Asian Week!
  • An Indian American bank in New Jersey has seen a rise in accounts since the economic meltdown. They attribute it to customers being scared away from larger banks, and taking their mattress contents to trusted community businesses. If this meltdown will slow globalization and reward small, local entrepreneurship, I'll be happy. But if it actually helps Asian Americans give their business to other Asian Americans, I'll be GRATEFUL. Thanks, irresponsible banking people!



Interesting that you went from hoping for the slowing of globalization to praising the opening of Jollibee restaurants in L.A. Just wanted to point that out.
contradictory is how i roll.