Claire Light
Books: Flip for a Wish
E.C. Myers' debut novel Fair Coin
is an instructive example of this attempt to bridge -- or perhaps simply
to transcend -- the gap between ethnic YA and speculative YA.
Books: The Monkey King as Crime Suspect
Gerritsen's long experience in the crime genre comes through in a tightly paced, well-plotted story.
Book Review: 'Leche' by R. Zamora Linmark

Fans of the Asian American classic Rolling the R's are in luck: R. Zamora Linmark's frenetic meditation on Hawaiian transnational teenagerhood is finally sequeled.
Book Review: 'Diwata' by Barbara Jane Reyes

In her third poetry collection, former Hyphen editor Barbara Jane Reyes moves backward in the Filipino diaspora timeline.
Hyphen Lynks: The Billie Jean Is Not My Tiger Mother Edition
Yes, she's Viet Am. Yes, she's ten. Yes, her Tiger Mom probably beats her to keep her practicing. What, you thot this kind of skill came at no price?
Hyphen Lynks: The 'Pong, You Chinese Bitch!' Edition
Hyphen Lynks: The Obamao Edition
Hyphen Lynks: The Happy 2011! Edition
Book Review: Hello Kitty Must Die by Angela S. Choi

Angela S. Choi is my kind of sicko. Faced with the perennial problem of the Asian American fictioneer — how to rep the aZn without crapping out another crab-eating, mother-daughter triumph — Choi’s solution was: just add serial killer.
Hyphen Lynks: The Beat It Edition
Openish Thread: Who Owns Yoga?
According to a recent article in the New York Times, the Hindu American Foundation has begun a campaign to get the Hindu roots of yoga recognized in the US.
The small but increasingly influential group behind [the "Take Back Yoga" campaign], the Hindu American Foundation, suggests only that people become more aware of yoga’s debt to the faith’s ancient traditions.
Hyphen Lynks: Turkey Edition
What happened in the world while you were making a glutton of yourself and screaming at your relatives?
Hyphen Lynks: The FLOTUS Edition
Yes, you were right the first time. That is Hyphen founding editor Melissa Hung (left) with the FLOTUS.
Hyphen Lynks: Return of the Lynks Edition
Hyphen Lynks: The Plain 'n' Simple Edition
R.I.P. Joannie Chang
Prop 8 Overturned!
Ding dong, the hitch is dead! Now everyone in Cali can get hitched!
Openish Thread: What's Your Take on Birth Tourism?
Chinese mothers are paying big bucks to have their babies in the States for the dual citizenship. What do you think about this?
Openish Thread: What's Your Take on the Oscar Grant Riots?
As expected, last week's verdict on the Oscar Grant trial did lead to violence. What are your thoughts and feelings about what happened?
Hyphen Lynks: The Jes' Lynks Edition
Hyphen Lynks: Amelica! Fuck Yeah! Edition
Last Airbender Review: Worst Movie of the Year
Y'all can relax. Unlike with James Cameron's Avatar, you won't be torn between a well-told story and heinous racial politics.
Openish Thread: How Do You Pronounce Your Name?
Is your Asian name difficult to pronounce? Have you bowdlerized it? Or do you let other people mispronounce it?
Hyphen Lynks: The Second Poker Face Edition
Once again, Asian Americans show their poker faces, otherwise known as "inscrutability."
Openish Thread: Do You Love Pop Figures More If They're Asian?
Hyphen Lynks: The Hot Sex! Edition
Openish Thread: Should As Am Parents Talk to Multiracial Kids About Racism?
Openish Thread: Should Asians "Marry Out?"
Hyphen Lynks: The Me So Solly! Edition
Ai Ya! I was out of town getting some "me" time last weekend and failed to post a Hyphen Lynks! Bad Asian! Me So Solly!
You know who else is sorry this week? (Here's a hint: not a lot of Americans! I did a search for photos of people doing "apology" or "I'm sorry" things ... and couldn't find any. ON THE INTERNET!)
Openish Thread: What's Going On in Asian America?
While the media spins the Time Square (non)bombing and immigration reform every which way, we have nothing in particular to talk about. So what do you have to say this week?
Hyphen Lynks: The Humorless Edition
That's not funny!
Know what else isn't funny?
Openish Thread: Immigration Reform, What About the Winners?
Olympic speed skater and medalist Simon Cho was an undocumented immigrant. What do you think about that?
Hyphen Lynks: The Not About Times Square Bomber Edition
Because rampant commentary on the Times Square Bomber still rulez, news is all over the place this week. Plus, we're waiting for primaries. But we have an Onion article! And there are elections going on here, there, and everywhere.
Well, let them get Times Square all out of their system. Here's what else is going on:
Openish Thread: How Do You Feel about Would-Be Bomber Faisal Shahzad?
It's only been a week, and already Asian Americans are disowning the would-be terrorist. How are you all feeling about him? What do you think the fallout from this will be?
Hyphen Lynks: The APIHeritageMonthaZnPrideBitch! Edition
We're well into May now, peoples, and if you're not proud of being aZn this month, well then there's no hope for you! And, plus, also, you're shameful and do not give the rest of us face.
Just like these people:
Openish Thread: Is Recent "Black on Asian" Violence a Hate Crime?
Recent attacks on Asian Americans by African Americans have left Bay Area Asian American communties frightened and angry. But were these attacks really "hate crimes"?
Gizmodo Blogger's Computer Seized
Openish Thread: Should Immigration Reform Focus on the Highly Skilled?
Once again, folks: let's have an intelligent, productive debate! What should the U.S. do about educated, highly skilled entrepreneurs, who are taking their innovative ideas back home because of U.S. immigration policy?
Hyphen Lynks: The Robbed At Gunpoint! Edition
Dude! Did you hear that Kumar got robbed at gunpoint?
If you didn't, you haven't been reading the news AT ALL. But more to the point EVERYONE's been robbed at gunpoint this week:
Hyphen Lynks: The Hot Doctor Edition
Abducted by Aliens!
My brother was only 21 when he returned and began telling my family these stories. My father was extremely disturbed and wouldn’t permit me near my brother at first, as I was a newborn at the end of the war, and my father had some vague idea that insanity might be contagious, especially in females. But my infantine company seemed to soothe his almost constant excitement and, although he never fully regained the use of his legs, he used the stories as a springboard into the life of the mind that he thereafter inhabited, and raised me to inhabit.
Book Review: Revenge of the Mooncake Vixen
By Marilyn Chin (W.W. Norton & Company)
Hyphen Lynks: The Bag o' Stuff Edition
Shyamalan Responds to "Airbender" Accusations
Shame on Shyamalan!
Hollywood's most successful director of color embarrasses us all with some lame-ass excuse-making about the whitewashed cast of his new Airbender movie.
"Single Ladies" Adoptee
Whoa. Talk about an issues intersect. Anyone have a race-spotting moment when they saw this viral vid? Yeah, me too.
Women's History Month Profile Roundup
(Photo via.)
Well, I fell one short of my planned six March Women's History Month profiles of outstanding Asian American women. But I'm a busy Asian American woman!
Nevertheless, we got in a good five profiles there, plus two sad R.I.P.s, and a profile of our very own publisher, Lisa Lee! All in all, a good month.