Ai Ya! I was out of town getting some "me" time last weekend and failed to post a Hyphen Lynks! Bad Asian! Me So Solly!
You know who else is sorry this week? (Here's a hint: not a lot of Americans! I did a search for photos of people doing "apology" or "I'm sorry" things ... and couldn't find any. ON THE INTERNET!)
- Continuing efforts to cast Bobby Jindal as the Obama of the Right. Brown don't make down, oh Asian One! G.O.P. So Solly!
- The first Chi Am drafted to the NFL got injured during training. Our race's hopes and dreams limped off the field with him. Unfilial! Wang So Solly!
- Here's a shocker: Indian American wins spelling bee. Media So Solly! for the non-news.
- Another shocker: Fil Am vets are suing the VA for noncompensation. As in, not paying them their (poor) compensation awarded last year. But then, we've learned to expect only the best from the Veterans Administration. VA So Solly!
- A Chi Am man's passport application was rejected because the photo was "too yellow." ... wow. Jokes fail me. See photo above. State Department So Solly!
- Study focuses on Chinese American eye-health. Apparently, Chinese have unique eye issues. And macular dengeneration, the article tells us, is linked to obesity. Obesity So Solly!
- Recently racial-epitheted Repub candidate for gov Nikki Haley has been accused twice of extramarital affairs, which accusations have only increased her popularity. Nikki Haley NOT Solly!
- Facebook fans want Aziz Ansari and Anand Bhatt to do some sort of face-off on "Whose more Indian?" (sic.) Of course, Hyphen Lynks is totally behind this kind of cultural essentializing and racial authenticity olympics ... NOT! Facebook "fans" So Solly!
- An Iranian American is charged with a hate crime in an unprovoked attack against Latinos. Wow. He So Solly!