Haha, I love this. BTW, can you make each of your posts separately clickable? I'd like to post to my facebook page. But instead of just posting the video, I wanna post the Hyphen blog entry and tell more folks about your lovely works. =) Is possible?
Claire Light wrote on Sun, 12/07/2008 - 6:08pm
Nina, if i understood your request, you're looking for a permalink to the individual post (as opposed to the whole blog), correct?Our permalinks are accessed (strangely) under the blog's time stamp. Just look at the bottom of the blog post and next to the byline ("posted by claire at") there is a RED TIME STAMP that tells you the time the post was published. Click on that and you'll be taken to the post's individual page. Then you can simply copy the URL and paste that into your link.Did that make sense?