TABLACENTRIC | Month @ Machine Project | Los Angeles

March 6, 2008

I am excited to announce that I'll be living, performing, and teaching at Machine Project in Silverlake for a month starting March 15 as part of the Machine Project Artist Residency Program. The epic flyer was designed by Ameet Mehta Tabla Robots! I am ecstatic...Also, I will be working with Luke Patterson, Mr Hyphen 2007, through the please come by and visit for a month of Tabla:

Come to Machine Project (located at 1200 D North Alvarado Street in Echo Park) for an entire month centered around tabla, the traditional drums of north India. Performances, Film Screenings, Interactive Workshops, Lessons, Cooking Classes, and Listening Sessions will be offered to contextualize this amazing world instrument.

Featuring Special Guest Artists: Delhi2Dublin, David Trasoff, Walter Kitundu, Ajay Kapur, Ameet Mehta, Sheela Bringi, Hands On-Semble, CalArts Tabla Ensemble, Rajen Sukhadia, Saroj Sukhadia, Santiago Heredia, Mike Robbins, Leena Pendharker, Nandita Kumar, Qasim Naqvi, Rory Cowal, and more.

Facilitated by Robin Sukhadia - Mr Hyphen 2006
Sponsored in part by Project Ahimsa
Made Possible by the Machine Project Artist Residency Program

Complete schedule /details/RSVP at or contact robin [at]


Robin Sukhadia
Mr. Hyphen 2006/2007

Mr. H logo.GIF




Robin, this is amazing stuff man. I'm definitely coming down and paying you a visit. Maybe you know someone who can start something here in Nor-Cal?