Hate in the City of Brotherly Love: Asians at South Philly

December 17, 2009

Philadelphia regional school superintendent, Michael Silverman, suggested that
school assaults are supposedly down 50 percent. "We've been working
with the Asian community since last year to make sure that South Philly
High is an inviting place," Silverman commented in response to the
December assault.

Apparently, it hasn't been enough.

Indeed, school officials at South Philly High School have demonstrated a disregard for
the safety of students. School "security" officers have turned a blind
eye to racial taunts and, in one instance, forced Asian American
students into a lunchroom where they were subsequently beaten.

a meeting to address these attacks, the school's head of security fell
asleep, while South Philly principal LaGreta Brown has been
unresponsive. School staff
have even racially baited Asian students with comments like 'Where are
you from?' 'Hey, Chinese.' 'Yo Dragon Ball.' 'Are you Bruce Lee?'
'Speak English!'  That‚Äôs right: staff.

In general, a Philadelphia Inquirer article
asserts that "the Philadelphia School District habitually and
significantly underreported school violence until 2005" and that in
"this latest crisis, the Philadelphia School District is resorting to
its usual obfuscation and spin. First, district representatives denied
there was a problem. Amazingly, they told the public that violent
incidents at the high school had dropped a staggering 55 percent this
year, when in fact they had increased 5 percent."

Now, the Asian American Legal Defense and Education Fund is filing a federal civil rights suit against the Philadelphia School District for its (mis)handling of these attacks.

interesting about this situation are the racial dynamics involved.
South Philly High School is composed predominantly of African American
students, and a majority of the attackers are African American.

As a result, one Asian American blog expressed concern that African American youth are being criminalized by the response to these attacks, while another asserted that this concern shifts attention away from the actual violence inflicted on the Asian American students.

generally, what this situation suggests to me is the political
bankruptcy of the black-white racial paradigm in the USA, where the
issues of other minority groups are often marginalized.  

racism is frequently anti-immigrant and nativist in nature, as
evidenced by the experience of the students in Philadelphia.

this racism cannot be addressed within a black-white paradigm, where
the interests of Asian Americans are usually ignored and where blacks,
whites, and others can therefore engage in anti-Asian violence and deny
its racist nature.

One blogger, for instance, has noted the conspicuous lack of action by the NAACP on this issue.

And some even
insist that the South Philly attacks are not about racism but “a lack
of cultural understanding" or, more ludicrously, about Asian students
being too "cliquish."

In the zero-sum world of American (racial) politics, the black-white paradigm that has nothing to say about Asian Americans also leaves us nothing to say.

It may be a truism, but it bears
repeating: if Asian Americans don't speak up and politically agitate
for themselves, no one else will.


people interested in protesting the Philadelphia attacks, contact
information for the Philadelphia School District and media can be found
at Angry Asian Man.



Asians must stand up and fight back! We have 100% of the right to be in this country, and live freely and happily. Racism against Asians should not be tolerated. The school officials who let this happen should be prosecuted. The innocent Asian students were beaten in vain. Why didn't the attackers attack Asian gang members, if they had such big balls??? Instead, they attacked school kids? LOL at these cowards! Why not fight one-on-one? There must be more Asian activists. I am filled with anger toward racism on Asians. I've argued with at least 10 corporations about discrimination in the past, and all have apologized, while some sent me gift cards to go back and shop. One bank even sent me a dinner voucher. Little things like these make a difference! Next time you experience discrimination, speak up. Call back and complain. My Asian people, make your point loud and clear! They will hear and respect you! Asian Pride and I love my people!
After reading the many articles above, I have a few points to share. Despite the fact that America has come along way, we still have some ways to go. I am African American and I hate violence, I am sorry for the kids that were attacked. There are many African Americans that want to build bridges with the Asian communty; believe it or not, but its true. Incidents like this marginalize this effort and re-enforces a tribalistic American society. Its hard to love, but so easy to hate and I hope the school district does something to resolve this problem. Many of the African Americans nieghborhoods are diminshing. South Central LA, Compton, Harlem and many other African American neighborhood are no longer black, or have growing immigrant presence. maybe this is a threat to some. Reguardless, violence is never an option and I just want the Asian community to know that all African Americans are not like this, its just those few that screw it up for all of us. Peace and Love to the whole Human Race.
i don't agree with this happening and attacking people at school is ridiculous. but i don't think it's necessary to apologize for black people. let's get real, asians are very racist against black people and showed their racism well before blacks ever struck out violently against them. sorry, as someone who has had to deal with asian racism since i was a kid, all i can wonder is whether something somebody said or did set this off. i can't believe it was out of the blue. but then again, out of the blue is possible too. i'm sure the asian kids kept to themselves and made sure they had as little to do with the black kids as possible. i'm sure some of the black kids teased the asian kids. i can imagine all kinds of ish transpiring before this blew up. in other words, the whole story is not being told.
Mik and To Whomever Might Be Reading This: Wow, Mika, your comments resound with a little bit of self hate if you are ASian ( Mika can be an Asian name so I am assuming ). ASians and many of the attacked kids are ASians from ASia here to prepare for US universities, your message is that Asians must assimilate, speak out, be loud, be aggressive and above all be cool, or else if they are thuggishly attacked, 4 against one, always bullied 2-3-4 people against one, then it's their fault!! Where are you coming from with your comments, Leftsvill Utopia? This has been going on for the last 20 years at the South Philly High. Second, what if they were ASian Americans and some acted in a stereotypical Asian way, quiet, head in the books, few friends, especially few friends among the jock circle, some trying to figure out their place in a very aggressive and loud environment, why do they have to assimilate with mainstream America in order to be treated with respect? Can you hear yourself speaking? The ASian Ams or whoever Asian they may be did bond together to make a statement, to speak out, and to protect themselves. That's why there is finally some action to be taken. I take it that you meant, they have to assimilate to Black and White, for them to be treated with respect and not be ganged up upon hit, kicked and spit upon? Third point, look at all the foreign ASian students across America in areas where there are not a significant amount of Asians (e.g. excluding the WEst Coast, NYC, Hawaii ) and you will see kids getting picked on. This is going on everywhere in America in a high school where there is less than 10% ( an estimate ) Asians or ASian Ams. How do you assimilate if you are not on the football, baskeball or cheerleadings teams in high school and you speak with an accent. I have seen As Am kids who would literally run as if on fire away from foreign Asian ( newbie ) students in high school. Not gonna happen,know the culture and the power institutions in secondary school and you know that no cheerleader or jock is gonna spend an inordinate amount of time speaking to LDD ( remember the character, horrible as it was in Sixteen Candles ). I think that even if you not AA, you are taking the left and liberalism too far. Look at Silverman and the principal, LaGreta Brown, both built their records ( their chops let's say, am I cool now Mika ) upon sterling records with minority kids, Black and White. Silverman has been "down" with American kids black and white and "down" with civil rts, etc. But notice here, both ( as well as the people who have held leadership positions )held the lid on what has been going on in South Philly HS for the last 20 years. Why? Because the ASians kids grinned and beared it for so damn long. The ASian kids were victimized by two leaders who built their records on claims that they know and have worked their way up, grassroots as American minorities and in Silverman's case, working alongside American minorities. Yet their claims ring false, they only represented White and Black America, as much Nativist sentiment as you can get. They ( Silverman and Brown ) victimized the victims ( Asians trying to assimilate into American life ) because the kids who have finally organized now represent only the tip of the iceberg of those who have been beaten, spit on, kicked, humiliated, degraded, etc. Shame on you Mr. Silverman and Ms. Brown.
America is a nation of tribes and individuals. All black people are not violent and thugs and believe or not, Ive had Asian freinds that were not book worms, they loved and dance to hip hop more than me. Again, most of us tend to stick to our tribes and let certain leaders influence our social affiliations. Im black, with an Asian girlfriend and yes her parents are pissed, but im not the stereotypical black guy that they see on the news and she is not that typical shy East Asian girl with that goofy innocent smile. We dare to be different and go against the grain of society. We decided not to let society dictate our future. We are aware of the tensions between both communities, but there has to be a positive side of all this negativity in order for progress. To those people out there in the world that want to build bridges between all communities you can be on my team. Like I said up above, its so easy to hate