Directed by Stephane Gauger
In this charming tale from modern-day Vietnam, three ordinary folks look for love. Amerasian writer-director Stephane Gauger has a keen eye for location-throughout the film, audiences see everyday scenes of city life in Vietnam, from outdoor noodle shops to vagabond kids hawking postcards. The film follows an orphaned girl, a lonely airline attendant and a zookeeper. While the film feels slow at times, it contains enough plot twist to keep the audience's interest. What's notable-and what makes the film beautiful-are the characters' nuanced expressions, which captivate from the first scene. Thuy (Pham Thi Man) steals the show as a 10-year-old matchmaker-heroine, combining sage wisdom with childhood innocence. The film seems to comment on what can be lost through rapid change. Mostly, though, it is about lonely, but good-hearted souls who seek love. Well-known Vietnamese American filmmakers Ham Tran (Journey from the Fall) and Timothy Linh Bui (Green Dragon) produced the movie. Gauger's cinematographic eye is amazing for a director's first feature-length drama. DVD extras include: deleted scenes, a making-of featurette and director commentary with actor Cat Ly, who plays the flight attendant. -Momo Chang