Bernice Yeung
Q&A with Ursula Liang and Jeff Yang: Did the 'Breakfast at Tiffany's' Boycott Work?
Brooklyn Breakfast at Tiffany's boycott organizer Ursula Liang and journalist Jeff Yang speak with Hyphen about why and when boycotts work, and what might serve as a better alternative to challenging stereotypical media images.
Yet More Big News for Hyphen Magazine
Our board chair Bernice Yeung announces more changes at Hyphen, and introduces our new publisher and first executive director.
Big Changes at Hyphen
Board chair explains move to 2 print editions, enhancement of online offerings.

You’re going to start to see some changes at Hyphen in the next year — in both the pages of the magazine and at our website.
Paul Fong, Leland Yee: Shark Fins in a Soup of Cultural Controversy
It’s like clockwork. Every few years, the shark fin debate is revived anew, and by now, the narrative has become predictable: Chinese culture advocates who believe that they have the right to continue enjoying a centuries-old delicacy are pitted against conservationists who argue that shark fishing practices are cruel and environmentally unsustainable.
Donate $50 in the Season of Giving
In 2008, I joined the board of Hyphen magazine. After a multiple-year hiatus from the organization, it's been amazing to return to the fold and see how it's grown from something that a bunch of us dreamed up in a friend's kitchen into an award-winning entity with national reach.
Wokking The World
The humanizing and conscious-making impacts of The Notorious MSG.

Writer Bernice Yeung