Kevin Lee is slumming it in the anachronistic industry of journalism. Before landing back in California, he had gigs covering politics in Illinois, Wisconsin and Texas. He's currently grappling with the decision of whether or not to buy a car.
Kevin Lee is slumming it in the anachronistic industry of journalism. Before landing back in California, he had gigs covering politics in Illinois, Wisconsin and Texas. He's currently grappling with the decision of whether or not to buy a car.
A distasteful video denouncing GOP presidential candidate Jon Huntsman for his connections with China and his relationship with his two adopted daughters has made waves.
Tough to
mistake canines for quackers, but that is what an enterprising Minneapolis TV
journalist did when trying to determine if a New York City Chinatown meat
market was selling cuts of man's best friend.
Two Japanese Americans’ tale of survival during tough times
Sadako Kashiwagi cherishes a certain knitted charcoal-gray sweater she’s worn for more than 40 years. It was a gift from a store owner who had fallen on hard times and had to close shop. At the time, she and husband Hiroshi were just scraping by.
“It was given to me when I was working at a school library,” she said.
Working hard and raising three young sons, even borrowing money at times, Sadako and Hiroshi, now 78 and 89 years old, endured, which was certainly nothing new for the couple.
California Gov. Jerry Brown has been a busy man as of late, "clearing his desk" of legislative proposals state lawmakers have passed to him over the last several months. Hyphen updates you on some of the proposals Brown acted on recently.
GQ features comedic actor Ken Jeong in a recent fashion spread for corduroys ... but doesn't let him actually wear the pants. Kevin Lee explores the photo shoot's subtext and Ken Jeong, the brand.