Over at PopMatters, writer Michael Landweber asks the Interwebs and its masses: "Is 'Glee' a Little Bit Racist?"
I'm a little confused as to why he targets one show, when essentially he's talking about a larger systemic problem of underrepresentation of people of color and LGBTQ and differently-abled folks. I mean, we could have this debate about every single TV show currently on the air. Theoretically, we could blast every medical drama that has featured an Asian doctor. "What, you're calling all of us smart?!"
Don't get me wrong. I agree with Landweber in that I would love to see more Tina, Mercedes, Santana, Matt, and especially Mike "Other Asian" Chang. However, he's suggesting that once they have equal billing, that shazam, everything's fine. That racism is simply a matter of under-representation. And I'm not sure if he's aware, but racism is a little more complex than that. In fact, it's insulting to people who actually suffer from a racist system to complain about why your guilty pleasure of a show is making you feel kind of icky inside.