Neela Banerjee
APAture 2007 Opens Tonight
If you've never been to the dynamic APAture: A Window on the Art of Asian Pacific Americans festival hosted by the historic Kearny Street Workshop -- this is your chance.
Sex Selection Ads Cause Controversy
This guy could change the gender balance of the Indian American community? Yikes!
An interesting story about ads for The Fertility Clinic, a Los Angeles-based center that claims they have the "world's largest and most successful PGD sex selection program," running in Indian American media.
Let Your Inner Asian American Superhero Out with "Secret Identities"
There seems to be nothing hotter than Asian American graphic novelists and comic book artists. (Be sure to check out Issue 12 of Hyphen for a great story on South Asian-centric Shakti Comics at Virgin and what desi comic artists have to say about it.) Now, add to the list an exciting new project from our friend Jeff Yang and his buddies in the comic industry: Secret Identities: The Asian American Superman Anthology.
Remembering Filipino American Activist: Bill Sorro
When I arrived in San Francisco as a country-bumpkin from the Midwest, I often found myself standing by the hole in the ground at the corner of Jackson and Kearny in Chinatown. I had seen the amazing documentary The Fall of the I-Hotel back in college and I was amazed that the space was still being protected. It was the last year of the dotcom boom and all the history of displacement seemed incredibly relevant.
M.I.A. Rawks!!
I recently drove from L.A. to San Francisco in a poorly air conditioned car and the only thing that kept me going was listening to M.I.A.'s Arular over and over. "I got the bombs to make you blow/ I got the beats to make you bang!"
The Success Story of Vietnamese Americans in New Orleans East
It’s been almost two years since Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast. While the major focus has been on the failure of the government to provide support to the majority African American community in the 9th Ward, the resilience of the Vietnamese American population in New Orleans East – a suburban community 15 miles northeast of downtown New Orleans – has been getting a great deal of attention. Both academic research and mainstream media seem to point to the idea of a hard-working community whose been through much worse than Katrina's destruction.
Can Aishwarya Rai crossover?
So, the most beautiful woman in the world, Aishwarya Rai is poised for the big crossover from Bollywood to Hollywood.
Top Three: Ted Chiang
We asked Ted Chiang, two-time Nebula Award winner and author of the collection Stories of Your Life and Others (Orb Books): What are your favorite books of all time?
By Annie Dillard (Harper)
Nowadays it's unusual to read a memoir of a happy childhood, and there are passages in here that I find quietly hilarious, but those aren't what makes this such a great book. Dillard can write nonfiction that's more vivid and compelling than most novelists' fiction, and this book captures youthful wonderment at being alive and connected to the world better than any novel I can think of.
By Gene Wolfe (Orb)
Off the Books
The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor
Sudhir Alladi Venkatesh
Off the Books:The Underground Economy of the Urban Poor (Harvard University Press)
Bay Area Pakistani American Wins Jefferson Award
Samina Faheem Sundas is doing the damn thing.
Big, Fat Indian Weddings, and a Few Divorces
The idea of marriage makes my hands sweat, not in a good way. I’m trying to figure it out though, really I am. Therapy has helped me realize that it’s one part rebellion to the South Asian obsession with weddings, one part my parent’s divorce ... and the rest is still murky. I mean, I’ve always been a bit of a cynic: the whole concept of “forever” that marriage is predicated on just doesn’t compute for me. The idea of celebrating that idea by spending thousands of dollars for a huge party just seems like asking for it … but at the same time, I love champagne.
Awesome Francophile Korean American Fiction in the New Yorker
I've never been one of those New Yorker magazine junkies, like many people I know. I guess I'm more of a secret New Yorker junkie because I have enough things piled up in my life to feel guilty about not getting to. But the annual "Summer Fiction Issue" is kindof a must for me. I picked it up a few weeks ago on the way back from a trip to Mexico and have been carrying the increasingly more tattered thing around with me ever since.
API Women Speak Up on Feminist Blog
Super-popular blog Feministing has been running a series of brief commentaries by Asian American women -- mostly from the grassroots membership-based org National Asian Pacific American Women's Forum (NAPAWF) -- entitled "Voices of API Women."
My Global Goddess Dilemma
I was poking around make-up megastore Sephora the other day while waiting for a meeting and came across this display for Shalini Vadhera’s Global Goddess line. Come to think of it, I was actually looking for some concealer that would match my skin tone and there it was – a whole line of beauty products made by a South Asian woman, catering to different skin tones.
Some Thoughts on the Asian American Shooter
I work at a media organization where we look at the news through a mostly ethnic lens, which -- along with my work at Hyphen -- makes the Virginia Tech shooting a very complicated news day. I haven't had a whole lot of time to orchestrate my thoughts on this yet, but here are a few things that have me thinking.
Asian American Woman Commits Suicide at Boot Camp
I've been meaning to post this disturbing story for some time.
Where Were All the South Asian Films at the SFIAAFF?
I have to give Center for Asian American Media and everybody involved in the 25th SFIAAFF kudos – I think it was an amazing week.
Hyphy Filipina Wins Rolling Stone Reality Show
So, I’m not sure if anyone watched the reality show – or docu-soap – I’m From Rolling Stone on MTV, most people didn’t.
The Story Behind the Shorts
I’ve always loved the shorts programs at the SFIAAFF. I think it is where they showcase the most exciting work being done by Asian American filmmakers. These are the films that make me think and inspire my own art.
SFIAAFF = 2 Legit 2 Quit
MC Hammer shows his love for Asian America and Hyphen magazine at the opening gala for the 2007 San Francisco International Asian American Film Festival. Hammer played talent agent Roy Thunders in Justin Lin's Finishing the Game which opened the festival. Photo by Bernice Yee
I’ll have to say, there’s nothing like a giant theater full of Asian Americans and a party with free Lychee Martinis to make you feel good about your community.
A Lesson About Responsible Blogging
So, I’ve been thinking a lot about blogging and the politics around this form of journalism a lot lately, for several reasons.
No Asian Am Timberlake in Sight
I'm not sure there is anything that new in the "Trying to Crack the Hot 100" story in the style section of Sunday's NY Times, but it was interesting that it was in the style section.
AsianWeek Racist Column Spurs Ethnic Media Forum
So, there was a forum on “Ethnic Media’s Role in Covering Race Relations” Friday at the Chinese American Citizen’s Alliance in the heart of San Francisco's Chinatown.
Gurus Gone Wild
The good, the bad and the ugly in some of our favorites.
Writers Neela Banerjee & Rebecca Klassen
A K A: "Sex guru", self-described "guru of the rich", Chandra Mohan Jain, Acharya Rajneesh Zorba the Buddha, Osho
MULTITASKING: Taught philosophy and was a religious leader.
Third Class Superhero
Third Class Superhero (Harcourt, Inc.)
Charles Yu
AsianWeek Takes the Racist Cake
Long-running Asian American weekly AsianWeek is facing criticism for publishing a column by writer Kenneth Eng entitled “Why I Hate Blacks.”
Another South Asian Comedian
So, this guy Hari Kondabolu made my co-worker laugh real hard on Jimmy Kimmel the other night,
Welcome New Blogger: Mr. Hyphen
It's been about six months since Mr. Hyphen was crowned Asian American royalty. We were wondering what exactly he's been up to ...
Will Asian Americans Support this Dissenter?
Back in June, 1st Lt. Ehren Watada -- a Japanese American Honolulu native -- refused deployment to Iraq because he believes the war is illegal and immoral. Watada became the first commissioned officer to publicly refuse deployment to "the unlawful Iraq War and occupation."
Iranian UCLA Student Tasered by Campus Police
Last week, an Iranian UCLA student named Mostafa Tabatabainejad was tasered several times by campus police when he did not show his student ID in the library.
The Most Popular Girl on MySpace
Who knew that the most popular artist on MySpace was a Vietnamese American named Tila Tequila?
Will the Asian American Tribe Win?
So, Thursday night is the premiere of the new season of Survivor, this time set in the Cook Islands. But as you all probably now by now, the twist this season is that the 20 contestants will be split into teams based on their race.
Operation Meth Merchant in California?
We covered the Operation Meth Merchant, an FBI operation that targeted South Asian drug store owners, back in Issue 8. Since then the ACLU brought racial targeting charges against this operation that ended up being dropped. Catch up on all the news on that case here.
More Scary Insight into the Lodi Case
Here is an amazing article from the L.A. Times about a retired F.B.I. agent who was willing to put his reputation on the line to debunk the confessions in the Lodi case.
Go See <i>Divided We Fall</i> this Saturday
We profiled Valarie Kaur and Sharat Raju, filmmakers for post-9.11 Sikh documentary Divided We Fall: Americans in the Aftermath, back in issue 8.
M.I.A. Denied Entry to United States
British Sri Lankan rising superstar M.I.A. has been denied a visa to visit or work in the United States.
Water, and the Plight of Asian American – or Diasporic Asian – Film
So, Canadian filmmaker Deepa Mehta’s film Water – about the plight of widows at the end of colonial times in India – has finally hit theaters everywhere.
Asian American Musicians Are Everywhere!
Do you guys ever notice that when you're specifically caught up thinking about something, you start to notice it everywhere?
Comedic Geniuses
Four Asian American jokesters steal the show.

Single Asian Male looking for that special someone who enjoys a good physics joke. Has magic fingers.
Chinaman is the alter ego of comedian Mark Britten, who is part white, Filipino and Chinese. Though he’s developed a mighty repertoire of zingy one-liners and edgy wisecracks, he still likes to tell the joke that he came up with in high school when someone asked him if it’s true that Asian men have small genitalia. Turning to his provocateur, he retorted, “I’m half-Chinese … from the waist up.”
Lodi Terrorist Suspect Found Guilty -- But Juror Reneges
So the verdict came out this week on the Lodi terrorist case: A jury convicted 23-year-old Pakistani American Hamid Hyatt guilty of giving material support to terrorists.
Dhamaal Seven Year Anniversary This Saturday
We’ve been hard at work here at Hyphen to put together our upcoming Music issue, which has got me thinking a lot about Asian American music and my own musical tastes.
Opal Mehta: Is this chick lit book Asian America's <i>Million Little Pieces</i>?
When I first read that Harvard sophomore Kaavya Vishwanathan got $500,000 from publishing company Little Brown & Company for a two-book deal, I was fascinated.
Asian Americans in the Immigration Debates
There has been so much going on this week with the immigration protests: On Monday, I stood in the flux of students, families and activists on Mission Street and felt the power of what was happening.
The Best South Asian American Film Ever -- and other desi picks from the SFIAAFF
I know the festival is already in full-swing, but I just wanted to point out some awesome South Asian picks for you to attend in the next few days. And the best thing about the South Asian films is that if you miss them this weekend or this week, you can make a field trip out of it next weekend and head down to San Jose and maybe stop for some yummy South Indian food on the way.
Either Side of the Hyphen
Pulitzer-prize winning author Jumpha Lahiri talks about her bi-cultural upbringing as part of the "The New India" package that graces the cover of Newsweek this week, probably to coincide with Dubya trip to South Asia.
Urgent Bone Marrow Drive for Filipina American Filmmaker
If you are Asian American and not yet registered in the national registry, there are a series of drives being held to help save the life of Filipina American filmmaker Christine Pechera.
Lodi Informer Unmasked
The Lodi Terror trial is just starting to get underway. The FBI mole has finally been unmasked and is talking to the press.
South Asians are NOT white
When I was a little Indian kid growing up in the suburbs of Dayton, Ohio, I would often face confusion about my ethnicity and race from my fellow classmates. I remember riding the school bus home from school and being crushed into a green rubbery seat with my friend Michelle and her little sister. We were bouncing along the street and Michelle was pointing out the window at people in passing cars and informing her little sister on the ways of the world.
Michelle: See, that lady in that car is Mexican and she is bad because she takes all our jobs.
Little Sister: Oh, okay. (Looking over at me with a confused look.) What about her?
Michelle: Oh, she’s okay. She doesn’t count.
Little Sister: (Still looking confused.) Oh?
Armed With A Camera
Stories of a post-9/11 America, as captured by a Sikh American.

Photographer Ejen Chuang
When Valarie Kaur first heard about the hate crime shooting of Sikh American Balbir Singh Sodhi, just three days after the September 11 terrorist attacks, her first instinct was to escape. She retreated into her room at her parent’s house in Clovis, CA, and read the first three Harry Potter books.